Philosophy of Above the Fold | Nathan Ives | Digital Products Platform

Philosophy of Above the Fold

Philosophy of Above the Fold | Nathan Ives | Digital Products PlatformGetting visitors to your website is hard work and can be expensive.  Keeping those visitors engaged after just a few seconds is even more difficult… so don’t make them scroll!

Research shows visitors must be immediately engaged in order to keep them on a particular webpage or website.  Here are the sobering statistics:

  • 60 seconds is the average time an individual spends on any one webpage
  • 15 seconds represents the time 55 percent of visitors spend on any one webpage
  • 6 – 8 seconds is the average attention span of an adult website visitor

Consequently, you have roughly 7 seconds to gain and retain the attention of any website visitor.  If you can keep an individual on your webpage or website for 15 seconds, chances are they will continue to consume your content for at least 2 minutes (120 seconds).

Importance of the Content Above the Fold

Journalists, particularly newspaper editors, have always known the importance of content ‘above the fold,’ the upper half of the newspaper that is visible to onlookers when a newspaper is presented within a newsstand.  Because only this content is immediately visible, the most eye catching headlines and graphics must be placed here to gain the attention needed to make a sale.

Your webpage content is no different.  With so little time to gain visitors’ attention, your most valuable content must be visible without those individuals having to scroll down the screen to see it.   Requiring visitors to scroll for content wastes some of the precious little time you have to prove your content’s relevance to their needs.

Keeping the Message Above the Fold

To ensure your most value-adding content remains above the fold, consider applying the following principles:

  • Headlines: Use impactful, concise headlines to convey your message
  • Summarize: Provide a very high-level summary as the first paragraph of your content
  • Bullets: Use bulleted phrases to convey your main points
  • Images: Select images supporting your main themes
  • Calls-To-Action: Ensure the visitor knows what to do next by placing your call-to-action above the fold
  • Layout: Don’t push your headline, message, or call-to-action below an image or graphic

Remember that in today’s world, many of your visitors will arrive on your webpages via smartphones and tablets with even smaller viewing areas.  Thus, you need to strive to forever make your communications more concise and immediately value-adding.

Stylistic Uniformity | Nathan Ives | Digital Products Platform | Digital Business

Stylistic Uniformity

Stylistic Uniformity | Nathan Ives | Digital Products Platform | Digital BusinessWith the myriad of communications bombarding your customers, it’s increasingly important to get your message across as quickly and concisely as possible.  In fact, the average person’s attention span is only 6 – 8 seconds!

Effective branding visually conveys your message in a manner that subconsciously communicates key elements of your message without words.  Think of the best known brands and their stylistic communications…

  • Apple’s clean, white, contemporary backgrounds, images and styling;
  • Nike’s bold athleticism and swoosh;
  • Coke’s cool, wet red, and silver; and
  • IBM’s big blue.

In each case, the branding communicates volumes without printing or saying a word.  And everything the respective company publishes embodies uniformity in styling so to ensure viewers immediately recognize their communication and register the desired message.


Achieving this level of immediate brand recognition requires discipline and uniformity in the styling of all of your communications from your website and social media accounts to your presentations, videos, and podcasts to your stationary, letterhead, and business cards.

Key Elements

Immediate brand recognition occurs through consistent, repetition of messaging.  Receivers of your messages should always ‘see’ the same styling such that, over time, they come to associate the uniqueness of your styling with your business and its characteristics.  Key styling elements include:


The specific color combinations used across all of your communications, platforms, and products should be the same.  But how can you define an array of colors that both reflect your company and look good together?  One simple method is to use the predefined color scheme used within your website’s theme.  As is typically the case, these color combinations have been defined by professionals with an eye for what works together.  Simply choose the scheme that aligns with your desired messaging and then apply those colors across all of your many internal and external communications mechanisms.


Like colors, character fonts visually communicate the uniqueness of your brand.  Be careful to choose a font that is web and printer friendly; taking the lead from your website theme often works well.


Images illicit feelings among viewers and photographers each tend to exhibit a unique approach to the stylizing of their images.  Images may be contemporary, rustic, real-life, illustrated, etcetera.  Choose and image style that conveys the desired feeling about your business and consistently use those types of images.


Visual depth represents another styling variation.  Flat (lacking depth) is a cooler, contemporary styling whereas shadowed (deep) imaging is a warmer, conservative styling.  Whichever approach you choose, apply it consistently across all of your communications mechanisms.

Other Features

There are many other opportunities to reinforce your messaging through consistent styling including:

  • Logo (styling application and consistent use)
  • Taglines
  • Trademarking
  • Bullets (both type and color)
  • Icons (consistent application/use and color)
  • Indenting
  • Framing (images and text)
Developing Strong Passwords | Nathan Ives | Digital Products Platform

Developing Strong Passwords

Developing Strong Passwords | Nathan Ives | Digital Products PlatformStrong passwords are a cornerstone of cyber security.  In the case of your digital products platform, strong administrator passwords not only protect your website from malicious intrusions but also protect stored customer data and your intellectual property.  Therefore, special consideration should be given to the development of your administrator passwords.

Characteristics of Strong Passwords

Research shows that a combination of characteristics help ensure passwords are ‘unhackable.’  Your passwords should:

  • Be a minimum of 12 characters
  • Include numbers, symbols, and upper and lower case letters
  • Not be an obvious sequence of letters, numbers, or symbols
  • Not be a word or word combination
  • Not use obvious substitutes such as swapping typically upper and lower case letters

Additionally, you should have a unique password for each important account.

Tips for Developing Strong Passwords

Three methods for developing strong passwords include:

  • Mnemonics: Develop a password using from the first letter of each word and the numbers associated with a somewhat random sentence such as “In 1892, Columbus sailed the ocean blue and discovered America!” becomes I1892CstobadA! (14 characters, 4 numbers, 1 symbol, 6 lower case letters, and 3 upper case letters)  Note that mnemonic passwords tend to be the easiest to remember.
  • Discarded Products: Develop a password using the serial numbers or UPC symbols from two or more common products that you consume and discard such as soda cans, stock paper, etcetera.
  • Random Password Generators: Use a reputable password generating service to develop your strong password.

Final Thoughts…

Password security starts with the design of your password and continues with its own security.  Keep your passwords secure by keeping them offline (documented on paper) and in a secure/locked location.  Additionally, change your passwords routinely to further minimize the chance of your digital products platforms becoming compromised.

Engagement After the Bounce | Digital Products Platform | Nathan Ives

Engagement After the Bounce: Getting Visitors Back to Your Website After They Leave

Engagement After the Bounce | Digital Products Platform | Nathan IvesVisitors leave your website for a host of reasons.  But the fact that they opened one or more webpages indicates interest in your content.  Additionally, their visit means you now have better access to these people.  The question is how to reengage these individuals who, because of their interest, are more likely to engage with you than those others surfing the web.

Exit Popups

One highly effective method for reengaging those departing your website is a popup offering an additional value piece, a lead magnet, in exchange for the visitor’s name and email address.  Such popups appear when the visitor attempts to leave your website (mouse off of the webpage, close the webpage or tab, or click a link to leave the site), hence the name exit pop.

Regardless of the lead magnet, those signing-up should be entered into an email autoresponder sequence to fully reengage them with your website.

Branded Popups on Linked Sites

Providing links to other websites offers visitors additional value but takes them off your site.  StartAFire is a free link shortening service that places a popup at the bottom of the linked page.  This popup is fully branded with your favicon and website name; providing attractive, graphic links to two of your website’s pages.  Consequently, these popups seek to reengage those who have already expressed interest in the content on your website.

Push Notifications

A staple of smartphone engagement, push notifications are now available with some browser limitations on desktop and laptop computers.  PushCrew is an initially free service that enables push notifications to be sent to those who authorize such messaging via a popup appearing at the top center of the webpage they visited.  Like email newsletter signups, who better to reengage than those whose chose to receive additional outreach from you.

How to Make a Logo with a Transparent Background | Nathan Ives | Digital Products Platform

How to Make a Logo with a Transparent Background

How to Make a Logo with a Transparent Background | Nathan Ives | Digital Products PlatformContemporary websites often employ full page background images, videos, or colors.  As such, your logo needs to have a transparent background so to not interrupt the field.

Graphic artists commonly create logos with transparent backgrounds.  Indeed, such formatting provides maximum flexibility for the logo’s use.  But if you are developing a logo on your own, how do you create one with a transparent background?

The easiest way we’ve identified to create a logo with a transparent background is as follows:

  1. Create your logo (letters, words, symbols, shapes, or some combination thereof) in Microsoft PowerPoint on a plain white background (default) slide. Do not incorporate a background into your logo.
  2. Open your photo editor, I use Microsoft Digital Image Suite, and create a ‘new’ photo canvas. The blank canvas in your photo editor should serve as the transparent background for your logo.
  3. Copy the logo from PowerPoint and paste it onto the blank photo canvas in your photo editor.
  4. Crop the logo photo; leaving a 10-20 pixel buffer on each side.
  5. Save the logo image as a .png file. (Saving the image as a .jpg file will cause it to have a solid white background.)

If you need different color schemes for your logo to accommodate light and dark backgrounds, duplicate the logo in PowerPoint, change the element color combinations, and repeat Steps 2 – 5 above.  This process yields identical logos possessing different color schemes.

Final Thought…

Whether or not you intend to legally register your logo as a trademark, I recommend affixing the trademark symbol, TM, to your logo.  Doing this publicly communicates your intention to use the logo as your trademark.  Such annotation aids in the protection of your logo even if it is not registered.

Of course, you need to make sure you’re not infringing on someone else’s logo before trademarking yours. (See Business Name Considerations)