How to Reach Your Target Customers More Effectively

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Reach Your Target Customers|How to Reach Your Target Customers More EffectivelyWhen your business is looking to get off the ground and start making sales, it’s essential to think about your target customers and how you’re going to reach them. It’s certainly one of the most difficult tasks you’ll face and there’s no easy way to do it. But there is a wide range of techniques you can make use of and take advantage of when you want to reach the right people. Learn more about that below.

Start with the Process of Defining Your Target Audience

First of all, you’re going to need to define your target audience. It’s impossible to appeal to the right people when you don’t even really know who the right people are. You should try to make sure that you choose an audience that you know is going to be interested in what you’re offering, and you can carry out market research and use focus groups to get a better idea of this.

Consider Direct Mail and Email

A really traditional yet still effective way of marketing to people is to hit them directly with direct mail. This works because it puts something directly and physically in front of your target customers, and it means they can’t really ignore what you’re presenting to them. Email marketing is also something that’s really effective and should be considered.

Use Referral Marketing Techniques

Referral marketing is one of the best techniques to make use of when you’re looking to target specific groups of customers more effectively. Referrals work well because they’re provided by people already in your target market. For example, if you’re looking to target women aged between 35 and 45, the chances are that a customer fitting that profile will refer someone they know that’s also in that same demographic.

Work with Relevant Influencers

If there are particular influencers that you know have an impact on your target audience and that they have a great respect and fondness for, you should reach out to them. See if they might be interested in working with you to promote your product. This kind of paid promotion is much more authentic and direct than simply putting an advert in front of people, so give it a try.

Make Use of Targeted Ads

It might also be a good idea to use targeted adverts to promote your business and the products or services it’s trying to sell. These are more effective than other kinds of ads because they target specific people in particular demographics, and that’s what you want to when you’re trying to connect with a clearly defined target audience. Facebook ads are particular good for their targeting capabilities.

If you’ve struggled to reach the right people so far or you simply want to get off to the right start with a new business, these tips and ideas should help you to reach people effectively and appeal to them directly, so be sure to make the most of them going forward from here.

Fun and Lucrative: 5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Podcast

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Podcast|Fun and Lucrative: 5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a PodcastThanks to the development of new and innovative technologies, it is easier than ever before to create, manage, and advertise any business; however, new challenges are introduced daily. With this in mind, many wonder how business owners can establish their authority in their particular niche and gain new customers. How will people find the product or service they want when there is so much information “out there?”

An answer to this is with podcasts. Podcasts are a new and popular option for businesses to go where their potential customers are and win their attention and patronage while providing service to the community and establishing their brand. Some of the reasons that making a podcast with the help of experts like Blubrry Podcasting is such a good idea for modern businesses can be found below.

1. Share Expertise

A business owner along with their business has something unique to offer the world. It could be knowledge about frugal living or even a team of comedians -; there are people out there who want to know what you have to say. They are out there looking for it and waiting for it.

A business owner should think about all the resources they have at their disposal and the things they may have taken for granted. These are the things that can be shared to help others. What is a business owner able to give back to help contribute to the conversation that is going on? Building thought leadership and authority within the business realm is the best way to reach the top in any field. Podcasts offer businesses another way to build brand awareness and this should be something any business owner uses.

2. Build the Brand

Building a brand is about much more than just picking a web design, logo, and motto. When someone is searching online, they will find an array of companies offering identical products or services. How can they tell which is best? A podcast can help a business owner set themselves apart from the crowd. It will also help customers see that the business owner truly cares and knows what they are doing, which will build trust.

3. Gain and Retain Customers

All businesses must be able to gain and retain customers. Keep in mind, keeping a current customer costs less than getting a new one. By providing quality information on a regular basis, a person can keep customers coming back. This is key to retention and ongoing business success.

4. Networking Benefits

Podcasts are the ideal medium for interviews. While solo shows are great, any conversation can help make it more engaging. Many successful podcasts have guests from a related field that can provide valuable content for people listening.

5. Save Money and Time

Podcasts are extremely affordable compared to other forms of advertising. This means it is something that anyone can afford to do, even startup companies with a limited marketing budget.

Creating a Podcast

Remember, before starting a podcast, a business owner needs to make sure they have something of significance to talk about. This will help ensure people are actually interested in what is being said. take some time to think of a direction for the podcase to achieve the best possible results for the marketing method.

How to validate your blog post ideas

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Blog Post Ideas|How to validate your blog post ideasThe cold, hard truth in the world of writing is that no matter how well you research a topic, and no matter how much passion you pour into content creation, a piece can (and will) still fall flat if there was never enough interest in the topic to start off with.

There’s nothing quite as disheartening as spending hours upon hours writing a blog post (the average one takes roughly 3 and a half hours from start to finish), only to find that it was never going to drive traffic due to minimal search volume.

Fortunately, there are data-driven ways you can validate your blog ideas before you dive into the creation process.

Take stock of these simple steps and work them into your blogging process. You’ll soon find your content marketing is performing far better than you imagined possible thanks to spending these few extra moments on validation.

Use Google to Assess The Competition

One of the most powerful tools at your disposal for validating a blog post idea is actually one of the most common: Google.

By searching your proposed topic or title, Google can give you a strong indication on whether or not you have any chance or ranking with that title and therefore whether writing content on that topic will drive traffic to your site in the long term.

Before you write a post on a given title, put that title into Google and see what comes on the first page.

Google gives preference to bigger sites with more traffic and a stronger presence on the internet generally. Therefore if you see the first page of Google dominated by the websites of big companies and global news sites, you should narrow down the topic that you are writing about.

Ideally, when you search your proposed title in Google you want to see posts on the front page of companies your own size or smaller. Having social media and forum pages on the first page of Google also confirms that you have a good chance of ranking your post, even if your website is still small.

Ask your current audience what topics are of interest to them

Another way to gauge interest in a potential blog topic is to ask your existing customers whether they care about the topic in question.

After all, the whole point of a blog is to engage with your current audience and encourage new leads to interact with your brand; what better way to find out what your customers want to hear about than to simply ask them?

There are a couple of simple ways to do this: if you have an active social media following, you can create an easy Yes/No poll asking whether or not your audience would be interested in reading about a specific topic—Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are ideal venues for this sort of outreach.

If you’re lost in the ideation process and could use some direction, send out an email blast giving your audience the opportunity to call out the topics they’d most like to hear about. You’d be surprised by how many of your followers will respond with ideas they’ve been itching to learn more about.

Another effective, yet easily overlooked way to choose blog topics with the help of your customers is to simply jot down the most common questions you receive on a daily basis and use them as inspiration for future posts.

Use forums to find “low competition questions”

Forum sites like Quora and Reddit can help with validating a blog topic idea because the presence of conversations around your topic both indicate a level of interest in that topic, as well as a lack of answers on the internet on that topic.

This latter point is particularly important. People often ask questions on forums when they have Googled a question but not found a satisfactory answer. Therefore if you see a question being asked regularly on forum sites, it is well worth seeing what comes up when you Google it.

If you feel that you can answer the question better than what is currently on the first page of Google, and that question is being regularly asked in forums then you have an excellent chance of creating a post on that topic which will bring in traffic (and leads) for years to come.

Take Note of Fruitless Searches

It’s important for every content creator to always stay vigilant for topic opportunities; that way, you won’t be found wanting when it comes time to choose a topic to write about.

One of the best ways to validate a topic is through personal experience—if you’ve searched and searched for information on a specific subject to no avail, that’s a great indication that there are others just like you looking for the same thing. There therefore may be an opportunity to fill there.

Make it a habit to write down every time you research a topic but come up dissatisfied with your results; you’d be surprised how quickly you amass a list of blog topics just waiting to be created.

The best thing about this method of validating a topic is that all of the work is done for you prior to the actual creation process since your list is already on hand, and it takes the pain out of ideation since these are all topics you’re already interested in.

In the world of modern marketing content is king, but it’s worthless without proper validation; gather data through these simple processes, and you’ll soon find that your blog posts are earning you better engagement and higher traffic than ever before.

Five Things You Should Advise Your Client to Do with That Defensively Registered Domain

Domain Name | Nathan Ives | Digital Products Platform | Digital BusinessAs a trusted legal advisor, you have taken valiant measures to protect your client’s brand against evil cybersquatters, typo-squatters, domain tasters, and other nefarious enemies by defensively registering a domain. Your client has already spent money to buy the domain, so why not provide your client additional value by encouraging him or her to put the domain to work instead of letting it just gather dust in the registrar account?

Indeed, defensive registration of a new domain is an exciting opportunity for a brand to tell its story, and perhaps more importantly, to attempt something bold, innovative, and exciting. Here are five inexpensive and easy ways your client can utilize that new domain right now:

  1. Use the domain for a microsite or micro campaign. You’ve got to admit that www.yourbrand.rockslooks great on a billboard – certainly much better than a QR code – and it sounds great on the radio. It’s just different enough to turn heads and to position your brand as savvy to emerging tech trends and developments.
  2. Redirect the domain to a third-party social platform. Is your client’s brand on Facebook? YouTube? Periscope? If so, there’s a good chance that your client is getting lost in a lengthy and forgettable domain such as or By redirecting to your Facebook page, to your YouTube page, and to your client’s Periscope page, your client is providing customers and audience with a memorable and quality path to content that puts the brand front and center.
  3. Use the domain to emphasize a page on the client’s website that’s not getting its fair share of attention. It can be challenging to direct an audience to a specific page of your client’s website, especially if the user has to navigate an extensive website menu in order to get there. By setting that new domain to redirect to a particular page in the website, your client is providing his or her audience with a clear and exciting path to that content, whether it’s leading to a careers or company culture page or as a showcase for a corporate philanthropy page.
  4. Use the domain to aggregate the client’s social media streams or track a particular hashtag. Whether your client’s brand is hosting a contest or giveaway or your client simply wants to make the most of the brand’s social network aggregation by sharing the feed with his or her audience, pointing a descriptive and unique domain at that feed is a great way to celebrate this content as a destination. For social media aggregation, domains like and are fantastic options.
  5. Augment the client’s Search Engine Marketing (SEM) efforts. There are more websites and third-party content to compete with than ever before, meaning that getting found is half the battle. A recent study of the 100 most expensive keywords on Google revealed that the industry specificity of these searches happens to coincide with—and in many cases exactly match – these search terms. By redirecting a keyword-rich domain to your website, or by outright transitioning to a more keyword-rich domain, brands can significantly improve their search engine rankings even in the most competitive fields, like law. When personal injury attorney Eric S. Block realized he couldn’t match his competitors’ SEM spending, he decided to make the transition from to Where the previous website had failed to rank at all for any relevant search terms, Eric Block’s new .attorney website ranks first for the search term “Jacksonville + Attorney.”

Your clients have already invested in a marvelous tool, so why not help them put that tool to use? Don’t let your clients’ money go to waste!

About the Author

Statton Hammock | Nathan IvesStatton Hammock is responsible for guiding Rightside on business, legal, and policy matters related to its registry operations. Prior to joining Rightside, Statton spent five years with Network Solutions as Sr. Director of Law and Policy, where he provided legal and strategic business advice related to the protection of intellectual property rights, Internet governance, data security and privacy, and compliance with ICANN policies related to the provisioning, sale, and use of domain names.

Business Name Considerations

What’s in a name? Your business’s name will likely be a first point of contact for your customers.  Consequently, it must engage and connect your customers with your products and services the moment they see or hear it. Besides the communications aspects of your business name, it must be communicate-able.  When identifying your ideal business […]

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