
7 Strategies to improve your web page ranking through SEO

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Web Page Ranking|7 Strategies to improve your web page ranking through SEOSEO is a lot about experimenting with a bunch of techniques and which ones fit the shoe best. It’s an absolute nightmare for webmasters to see their rankings stay stagnant month after month.

In this post, we look at the most promising B2B SEO strategies that will improve your web page rankings and organic traffic.

Update Your Content Regularly

Search engine optimization is an ongoing process. That’s why regularly updating your blog and publishing new content is paramount. It tells users that you’re always in the business.

Search engines also see sites that regularly update their content as ‘relevant’ ones. It’s a good practice to audit your site’s according to a fixed schedule (let’s say every 3 months) and make necessary updates wherever you see fit.

Internally Link to Other Pages

Apart from using link building techniques, you must also internally link your pages. While writing on a certain topic, you may find yourself creating references to other pieces of content from within your site. This is called internal linking wherein you add a link to other posts or pages of your site.

Internal links help search crawlers understand your content better. They also keep users engaged for longer by serving as tools of navigation. The words that you link to are called anchor texts. Since search engines pay special attention to these, be sure to use meaningful text for linking.

Pro Tip: It’s good if you read the entire copy after you have written it and proactively look for opportunities where it makes sense to link other pages. Having an internal linking strategy that cross-references and creates groups is good for any website’s SEO health. Although, it can seem a bit challenging and time-consuming; in the end, it’s worth it.

Improve the Load Speed of Your Pages

This is one of the most crucial ranking factors, and for good reasons too! For one thing, Google looks at slow-loading pages and thinks it’s not worth users’ time. In this way, high load times can negatively impact your rankings even if you have great content to offer.

Research tells us that 40 percent of visitors will leave your site if the page takes more than three seconds to load. Of those, eighty percent will likely never return. From an SEO health perspective, this is awful.

A quick loading page keeps people engaged longer and keeps them coming back for more. When Google sees this they will adjust your rankings accordingly by pushing it higher.

Therefore, you must check both your server response time and page speed. Pingdom is one free tool that can help you with that. You can test how your page loads from all across the world. To help with the load speed of your site, you may want to fix the themes and heavy plugins.

Produce High-quality Content

This one is a no-brainer. Content has been the king for a long time and will continue to. Producing high-quality, relevant, and fresh content should be any web marketer’s top priority. Other than that, you must look at something called ‘the dwell time’.

Dwell time refers to the average time a visitor spends on your site. Sites with newsworthy, fresh and, interesting information tend to enjoy higher dwell time.

Here’s something else to look at – Chrome happens to enjoy the majority market share in the world of browsers with 45% of all users using it. In 2017, it was downloaded the maximum number of times.

When a visitor bookmarks an interesting page, there’s a good chance they will come back to it. Having quality content can thus help your SEO rankings as more and more readers bookmark your site pages.

Title Your Page to Help Search Engines and Users

The title of your web page holds a lot of relevance both for users and readers. Search engines, at the time of indexing, will read the meta/title tag to see what the page is all about. Your meta tag is also also the blue color link people see in search results to get a hint about the page’s information.

It’s a healthy SEO practice to include relevant keywords in this tag. Also, the title tag is a little different from the description people see at the top of your page in a browser. If it helps with clarity, you should write one title for the meta tag to show in the SERPs and a different one for the page.

Create purposeful URLs

It’s easy to ignore the URL of the page but it carries SEO significance. It’s a good practice to include relevant keywords within the URL. You can see the page name appear in the URL in most CRMs like WordPress.

Before publishing, check and review the URL. if the page is already published, you can always redirect readers from the old page to the new one.

Target Keywords With High Commercial Intent

While doing keyword research, it’s easy for webmasters to focus mostly on the search volume. It’s also likely that you ignore terms with low search volume. But, that’s not always intelligent.

Once again it’s not always about the quantity but the quality of the terms. In simple words, you must look at the commercial intent of the searches.

For example, keywords like ‘link building services’ don’t necessarily have a lot of search volume. It must be no more than a few hundred. However, the CPC cost of such searches is $25. High commercial intent is an indicator that the traffic for them is made-up of invested and legit buyers.

End Words

SEO is a continuous process. As you progress, you may find some techniques to work better than others. But, the above-mentioned techniques have stood the test of time in yielding high rankings.

How to Increase Website Traffic: 8 Helpful Tips

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |how to increase website traffic |How to Increase Website Traffic: 8 Helpful TipsYou’ve got a top of the line product idea that you’re ready to tell everyone about. The thing is, if you don’t take the time to drive traffic to your site, nobody will know about what you have to offer.

You see, the more clicks your website gets, the higher your Google ranking will be. Since nobody ventures too far in their search, you need to be sure you make it to page number one.

Not sure how to increase website traffic? We can help you out. Check out this guide to learn how to get more clicks and keep all eyes on your site.

1. Use Social Media to Your Advantage

If you don’t have a social media page for your business yet, you should get on that. It’s too important of a resource to ignore. You can use social media ads to drive users to a landing page where they can check out your products.
If you have a sale going on, you can tell all your followers about it via a post. Make sure to include images, a description, and a link to the items when you create one of these posts.

You can also use your social media account to promote your blog if you have one.

2. Choose Interesting Titles

Your headlines and titles are a person’s first introduction to your site or blogs. They’re what gets people to click on your content. That means you need to choose something catchy.

There are two things that you need to keep in mind when you’re typing up your titles. Number one, they need to contain keywords. These are words that people type into Google to search for a particular item or piece of information.

So, what are these secret words? You’ll have to use a keyword tool to figure this out. These tools will tell you what a word’s competition and difficulty rating are.

You’ll need whatever words you choose to rank low in these two categories while also having plenty of traffic.

The second thing to keep in mind is trial and error. Once you have your keywords in mind, write a few titles that seem catchy to you. You can ask other people which one they think works the best.

3. Long-Tail Keywords

Single-word keywords are great and all but, long-tail keywords are the best. They can be as long as an entire sentence. They work well for a few reasons.

For one, they’re not typically high as far as competition and difficulty are concerned. They also provide a lot of traffic. The other thing is that many people take a hands-free approach by using talk to text.

When they Google search something with their voice, they’re more likely to use a long-tail keyword than a short one.

4. Keep Things Fresh

You’re going to have a million different people going to your site. Not all of them want to read an in-depth 1500-word article on how to paint their car. You need to have a mixture of short-form and long-form content on your site, or you’re in for a poor user experience.

It’s also a good idea to use some visual content. More people recall what they see vs what they read. This means that someone is more likely to share a bright, fun image on social media than a wall of text.

The more shares you get, the more people will visit your site. If you don’t use any images, you’ll be lucky if your social media post gets noticed at all.

5. Try Out Guest Blogging

Guest blogging will get you a higher search engine ranking than almost anything else. If you’re unfamiliar with what this entails, it involves giving your URL to other blogs like yours.

Whenever the blog user posts something, they may link externally to your site. When Google sifts through the posts and sees your URL there, it will see that you’re an influential website and thus, give you a higher ranking.

While you’re at it, you can allow guest posts on your blog as well. It will help the search engines understand what niche you’re going for and rank you accordingly.

6. Utilize Internal Links as Well

SEO tips 101 states that you need to use internal links as well as external ones. Let’s say for a second that you sell hair products. In an article about how to take care of your hair, you can link to what you have in your store.

Since the person reading the content is already interested in hair care, there’s a good chance that they’ll click the links so that they can see what you have.

Even if they don’t buy one of your products, the extra action means more traffic. Search engines will see that someone visited several of your webpages, which makes you look great.

7. Podcasts

Podcasts work sort of like a television series except for the fact that it’s all audio. They’ve gained a lot of popularity lately, so many companies have started using them in their marketing strategy.

The problem is that they can be expensive to create. If you’re a new company, you might not be able to afford the equipment. What you can do is volunteer to be a guest on a Podcast.

It’s not much, but it should be enough to get listeners interested in your website.

8. Comment on Blogs Similar to Yours

If you notice that a blog similar to yours has posted something relevant to your products and services, don’t be afraid to make a comment and provide a link.

Just make sure that the information you provide in the comment is helpful to people. If you drop a link with no context, you look like a spammer.

How to Increase Website Traffic and Increase Your Ranking

If you’re not able to drive people to your site, it won’t generate the traffic it needs to rank high in search engines. Since many people don’t go past the first page of Google, this can be a huge detriment to your business.

We hope that you’re able to use the tips that we’ve provided here today to learn how to increase website traffic and start getting the clicks that you deserve.

Are you looking for more ways to help your small business grow? Check out the entrepreneur section of our blog daily for all the latest advice.

Online Reputation Management: What You Should Know

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Reputation Management|Online Reputation Management: What You Should KnowHave you ever wondered how celebrities or big brands manage their presence on the internet? With the increase in people using online resources, social media, and reviews, one bad review can have a huge impact on a business’s success or reputation. Online reputation management helps those with larger public profiles to maintain a good online presence and representation in an age where everyone and anyone can use the internet to give their opinions. Here are some basic facts about online reputation management to help you understand what it is and how it works.

What is ORM?

ORM, or online reputation management, is the practice of using various strategies to help influence the public perception of an individual, brand, or business online. Obviously, if you, an individual, brand, or business, have genuinely done something wrong, then reputations should be damaged, and appropriate action should be taken, as covering things up can get you in a lot of trouble. However, if a person or business is under attack when they have done nothing wrong, for example, a competitor or jealous individual, this can have hugely negative consequences. This is where online reputation management can be used to push negative online content off of the first page of search engine results. It is hard to completely remove something from the internet, so managing your online appearances and presence can help to reduce the number of people who interact with negative content.

Who is it for?

Online reputation management is typically used by big brands, businesses, celebrities, or entities whose success can depend on what is online. One of the most common types is celebrity reputation management, which helps to put positive content onto the internet in order to make sure these are what comes up in search engine results when the name is searched.

Technically, anyone can use online reputation management to monitor and manage their online presence, and there are different levels and specialisms depending on how influential you or your brand is.

You can work towards managing your reputation yourself or enlist the services of a professional company. Typically, the average person will manage their online reputation much more simply than a large brand or celebrity by responding to reviews and comments, both positive and negative, and managing feedback. Many people trust reviews that are left online and will make decisions about individuals, companies, or services based on the reviews and ratings they see when they search the name in a search engine. Knowing when and how to respond to comments and reviews is just one of the many skills and methods involved in online reputation management. It becomes harder to manage your online reputation when you are more well-known or influential, or the challenges you are facing are increasing. You may then require assistance. There will be different factors to consider for this and various questions to ask yourself. These include:

  • Do you have time to generate and publish the content that is needed to push negative articles or search results to the bottom of result lists? Positive content that is high in keywords and other SEO techniques need to be created and published frequently. One great way to do this is by writing a blog, but you yourself may not have the time or skills to do this.
  • Can you write to a high level to create effective and engaging content that does the job it is meant to do? Including important keywords in your content will help it pop up higher on search engine results, and it is obviously important to make sure it is grammatically correct and well-written, as is it associated with you.
  • Are you technologically savvy, with a good understanding of techniques such as SEO? As well as SEO, you will need to manage a multitude of sites and social media platforms. Understanding how to build a good website is vital, and you may need some assistance with this task.
  • How large is the reputational problem you are dealing with? It is some small comments, reviews, or a few unwanted images, or is it something much bigger?

When considering managing your online reputation, find out what your current online presence looks like to an outsider. Searching various spellings of your name, or the name of your company or brand will bring up the currently most popular search results. Look through them and see if they present you in the way you wish. It is also a good idea to set up Google Alerts with various phrases so that you are constantly aware of any new material that is being created. This can help you save time, as you need to monitor the internet and be aware of what is appearing. Furthermore, you will need to learn when it is best to respond to comments or reviews, and when it should be left alone, as sometimes replying can push the comment further up search results, which is the opposite of what you are trying to achieve.

How does it work?

There are several methods and techniques involved in online reputation management. Generally, the aim is to push down negative content and get it off the first page of search engine results so that fewer people see it. Research has shown that around 95% of people only look at the first page of results when they Google something. The techniques used will vary depending on the client. For example, managing the online reputation of a celebrity is a big challenge because there is so much content being generated about them from different sources. These include news organizations and publications, social media, websites, and fan forums. If a publication is well known, then any information they publish will appear high up on SERPs, resulting in more people clicking on them.

There are different ORM methods that are utilized depending on the client and the situation, but some general methods include:

  • Generating new content frequently. The more positive content you create, the more likely it is to be engaged with and land higher up in search results. The whole idea is to flood results with content that is positive in order to push negative articles further down. This is where using an agency to manage your online reputation can be helpful, as you may not have the time, means or ability to create the volume and frequency of online content that is required.
  • Maintaining a positive online presence. Having a good website is one way of doing this and is especially useful if you, your brand, or business relies on a website over other platforms such as social media. A high-quality website will help it to appear higher up in search results, will be informative, grammatically, and technologically correct, with links and an easy to navigate layout. Writing a blog that you regularly update, interacting with reviews and comments, and encouraging people to leave reviews will help build your site. Furthermore, having your or your brand or business’s name in the website URL is important as it can help the site rank high for keyword content.
  • Claiming online properties. This involves making accounts and profiles on the various forms of social media, as well as a Wikipedia page and domain name for your website. These are popular and established platforms and websites to have accounts on, and are therefore more likely to appear on the first page of a search engine result. Furthermore, by having accounts on these platforms and sites, it is harder for people to create fake accounts and pretend to be the individual or brand.
  • Creating links. Links on your website or other accounts need to be functioning and up to date. Linking to other webpages that you want readers to see can help the flow of internet traffic between the two sites, as well as giving credibility to the receiving website. Links to your socials should be on your website and vice versa.


If you would like to work in online reputation management, it is generally seen as a type of digital marketing. There are plenty of digital marketing agencies all over the world, and many offer online reputation management services. Other services they may offer include content creation, SEO, and website design. You need to have a good level of understanding of digital techniques such as SEO and have a great eye for detail. There are many skills you need to succeed in digital marketing, and online reputation management is a great way to combine many of them, such as SEO and content creation.

Managing your own reputation is a good way to save money, but it can be time-consuming, and you may not have the skills required to complete the job effectively. As previously mentioned, there are many factors to take into consideration that will affect whether you choose to do it yourself or work with an agency that can manage it for you. If you or your brand or business have been negatively impacted when you have genuinely done nothing wrong, ORM can help to rebuild your reputation online.

How to Expand Your Business with Smart TV App Opportunities

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article | How to Expand Your Business with Smart TV App OpportunitiesThe advent of the internet and better devices has impacted the way people interact and how businesses operate. Smartphones, smart TVs and watches have become the in-thing and trend among the young and the old. Smart TV technology is more than the usual television you will find at any house.

Many households worldwide own a smart TV, and the number of smart TV sales is projected to hit as high as more than 266 million units globally by 2025. The capabilities of smart TVs have become a standard feature that is also impacting the business world tremendously. It’s easy to browse the internet, play games, interact on social media, or video call using this smart technology. A smart TV can perform the same functions as your favorite smartphone but on a bigger screen. There are a lot of companies investing in smart app TV development these days. This is an impeccable digital marketing strategy that has worked miracles for many businesses.

As an established business owner, don’t have any uncertainties about investing in a smart TV application. And if you don’t know where to start, a smart TV app development company is your choice.

Using Smart TV for Your Business Purposes

Television sets have been turned into multimedia gadgets, and you can comfortably use them for many applications. Many television manufacturers have opted for smart TV, which has expanded the functionality of the available models. Today, if you own a smart TV, you have more than a device that just broadcasts videos, but a complete entertainment unit.

You can easily use your smart TV to undertake different purposes, from surfing the internet to interactive services. Users can search for digital content on the internet, local cable TV channels, or data stored in your storage device. This technology has opened business opportunities by giving businesses a better user experience on their television screens.

Smart TV apps should be in your plans if you want to grow your business and increase revenue. Here is how this application can help.

E-commerce to Attract More Clients

If your business offers its products and services online, you can use your smart TV as one of the best sales channels. You will allow more customers to visit your website and sell all the products and services you offer. You will let more clients come to you, and you don’t have to find them.

Your e-commerce customers will appreciate an engaging and useful smart TV app from your business. This app will help them save time, and your existing clients will not hesitate to refer new customers. Such an opportunity will translate to more income and a surge in your clientele base.

Video Calling- Effective Communication

Communication is essential in every business. Using your smart TV app, you can undertake digital marketing opportunities such as video calling and reach out to your suppliers and customers.

Smart TVs provide a better user interface and effective presence, which will enhance effective communication. You can easily share vital information with your target audience and more about your business’s progress and what new to expect.

Screen Mirroring for Easy Information Exchange

You can easily transfer an image from your smartphone or laptop to a large smart TV screen through screen mirroring. This wireless transmission makes it easy for business owners to exchange information.

When a screen mirroring app is integrated into your TV, you will easily share presentations and other visuals. This is from the comfort of your home or office via a single tap on the screen.

Better User Experience

Customers can see what they are looking for on a bigger screen than when using their smartphones or laptops. And this is from the comfort of their homes or work premises.

Great Marketing Tool

Your smart TV app is more than just an application you can rely on to grow your business. It will double up as the best marketing tool you can wish for in your business endeavors.

Using your smart TV, you can access streaming services such as YouTube, Amazon Instant Video. Your apps can also provide you access to social media networks where you can market your business.

Incorporate Smart TV App Technology into Your Business Today

Smart TV app development will help you promote your business brand and increase its presence online. You will also reach out to your potential customers via connected entertainment such as videos or live streaming.

About the Author

Liza Bradbery is an experienced writer who has handled a variety of topics, including tech and business articles for Oxagile, a company that provides custom software development services across different industries and verticals.

How to Save Money on Image Resizer

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Image Resizer|How to Save Money on Image ResizerPeople’s eyes gravitate toward beautiful things. That’s a fact of life! Hence, whether you’re a businessman looking to promote products online, a student making slideshows, or a mom looking to share vacation photos, you need to ensure your images look amazing so your intended audience looks at your work. No matter how great your composition is, it won’t translate well in your chosen medium if the image is not sized proportionately to the given space. Thankfully, you can count on an image and photo resizer to help you scale down your photos without compromising the quality.

If you think this digital solution will cost you an arm and a leg, put off that thought. Gone are the days when you needed a professional designer to help you edit, crop, or compress your photos. With the help of an image resizer, you can now do everything on your own without breaking the bank. Should you still feel reluctant to use this digital solution for content marketing, now is the time to quash that myth. Take a look at how you can save loads of money by using an image resizer:

Save Time, Conserve Money

Time equates to money because you spend on things using your life hours to earn your paycheck. Thus, when you save time, you save money. An image resizer assures seamless photo editing with its easy user interface. Unlike the coast’s complex software, today’s photo editors come with a seamless dashboard where everything you need can be accessed in one go. For example, it comes with sizing suggestions for various social media posts or web pages. Simultaneously, you can also customize any photo by putting in the specific size you want.

Today’s digital image resizers come with seamless tools that make it easy for you to compress your photo files without breaking into a sweat. Just drag and drop your chosen image, and it will convert it to the size you need with a few clicks of your mouse. Take a look at the following features of an image resizer:

  • Offers suggested size templates.
  • Allows batch resizing to save time.
  • Assures well-proportioned images.
  • Permits use of images from other URLs.
  • Proffers easy download or sharing directly on social media.

Use FREE Digital Tools

In today’s modern world, you can optimize technological advancements to make your life easy. Luckily, you can save money because you can use many free image resizers online. This means you can edit your images to your heart’s content without breaking the bank. Take a look at the top 3 free image resizer companies online:


This company does as its name says by assuring you can promote your best work no matter your purpose. Whether you are a businessman looking to share news on social media or a student making a PowerPoint presentation, you can use this resizer to edit any photo. Most importantly, it allows bulk resizing for social media posts, web pages, emails, or other documents.

Hence, you can readily pick what photo dimensions you want, saving you the trouble of doing it one by one. It comes with so many suggestions, such as Facebook cover, IG square post, Twitter header, LinkedIn background, and more. Undoubtedly, with its easy user interface, you can enjoy the following:

  • Drag and drop capabilities
  • Personalize resizing to suit your requirements
  • Template suggestions for social media, web pages, and other documents
  • Select photos from any URL
  • Allow direct download for saving or instant sharing.


This acronym means Batch Image Resizing Made Easy, and it does exactly as it says. You can efficiently and effectively resize images without any hassle. Moreover, you can resize multiple photos simultaneously, assuring you can finish your task swiftly. With this tool, you can do the following:

  • Include photo borders
  • Select pixel size
  • Look at previews

3. Free Image and Photo Optimizer

The producer of this editor is no other than Shopify. Thus, you can rest easy knowing your pictures will look amazing. However, it only allows you to load a maximum of six images you can upload from your device or any webpage. You can also only edit the photos into three possible sizes:

  • Large (4472 x 4472)
  • Medium (2048 x 2048 pixels)
  • Compact (1024 x 1024 pixels)

No Need to Buy Expensive Gadgets

With a free online image resizer, you don’t need to buy any fancy computer to accommodate the software. This works on your laptop, desktop, or any mobile device. In addition, you don’t have to purchase more memory because you’re not downloading the software but using it virtually. Best of all, with an image resizer, you can compress the photos without compromising quality. This means when you make presentations, you will not consume so much memory on your hard drive or flash disk as the files have become smaller.

Save on Professional Fees

Back in the day, only professional designers can edit photos. Today, if you feel like cropping or sprucing up your images, you can do it from any gadget, no matter where you are. Moreover, you don’t need technical skills to get things done. The image resizer tools of this modern world come with an effortless learning curve. Furthermore, you don’t need any special training to use it. Best of all, if you encounter any problems, just contact the company for help.

Make Projects That Convert

Every penny saved is a penny earned. When you compress your photos with an image resizer, you create more engaging images. Firstly, you can assure that the images you showcase on your site will not take a long time to load. Unfortunately, “netizens” possess reduced attention spans, so if your pics take too long to load, they will leave your page. Secondly, an image resizer helps you edit your photos for any project. Whether you’re making a brochure, printing a newsletter, or printing photos, you can use this tool to make sure your pictures fit in the space.

Final Thoughts

Above all else, this digital solution assures you can optimize all your photos on your social media profiles without compromising the quality. With this, you can create a better connection and engagement with your audience. With such beautiful images, you can even monetize your accounts. How cool is that?