
5 Sure-Fire Ways to Increase Your SEO Rankings

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Increase SEO Rank|5 Sure-Fire Ways to Increase Your SEO RankingsNo matter what sector your business operates in, online visibility is essential to your success. As well as building credibility and gaining trust, online visibility enables you to acquire new customers and retain existing ones.
Having a functional, well-designed website is the first step to building an online profile, but this alone isn’t sufficient. In order to drive traffic to your site and facilitate brand recognition, you’ll need to rank highly on search engine results pages (SERPs) for keywords and terms that are relevant to your business.

The only way to increase your rankings is with consistent search online optimisation. With an evidence-based SEO strategy, you can ensure your webpages are the first thing users see when they search for relevant terms. While there are hundreds of factors to consider, you can get started by using these five sure-fire ways to increase your SEO rankings:

1. Increase Page Loading Speeds

The functionality of your website is important in terms of user experience (UX), but it also has a significant impact on your SEO rankings. With loading speeds between 1-3 seconds, bounce rates average around 32%. However, just a one second delay sees bounce rates skyrocket to a staggering 90%. As loading speeds have such a significant impact on user behaviour, they’re a critical factor when it comes to ranking webpages on SERPs.

Remember – Google wants to deliver an optimal UX. Anything which detracts from this is likely to have a negative impact on your rankings. Conversely, improving UX via page loading speeds and other factors can boost your SERP rankings.

2. Publish Original Content

Your content marketing strategy is critical to the success of your overall SEO campaign. To achieve high rankings, your website needs to feature fresh content on a regular basis. Furthermore, this content needs to be fully optimised for relevant keywords and terms. This is how search engines can determine whether your content is relevant to a user’s search query, so it’s vital that you tell Google what your content is about.

Many businesses use blog posts and articles as a way of sharing original, unique and relevant content. While these are certainly an excellent way to increase your rankings, there are other types of content to consider too. Videos, images, infographics, white papers and podcasts can all be used to engage users and improve your rankings.

3. Work with an Agency

Managing your SEO in-house can be a drain on your resources, particularly for start-ups and smaller enterprises. There are hundreds of ranking factors which are taken into account when determining where your webpages will appear on SERPs. To secure a place on the first page of Google, you’ll need to stay up to date with the ranking factors that matter most and gain access to the tools you need to modify your own position in the listings.

Fortunately, you don’t have to handle this yourself. Working with established SEO professionals, like this agency, gives you access to the expertise and experience you need. As the #1 Perth SEO agency, PWD is adept at devising and executing successful SEO strategies on behalf of their clients. From keyword research and content creation to site optimisation and local campaigns, outsourcing your SEO needs can be the best way to achieve your commercial goals.

4. Secure Backlinks

Every website has a score, ranging from 1-100, known as its domain authority. The higher your score, the higher your webpages are likely to rank on SERPs. Securing high-quality backlinks is one way of successfully increasing your domain authority and, therefore, your SEO rankings.

When your links are featured on an external site, it acts as an unofficial endorsement and tells Google that your content is credible, trustworthy and reputable. This encourages Google and other search engines to rank your content more highly, in order to deliver a better UX.

Of course, where your backlinks are placed has a significant impact on your own rankings. Securing backlinks on a website with a high domain authority will have a positive impact on your own domain authority score, for example. Conversely, low-quality backlinks can have a negative impact on your score and cause your rankings to drop. While backlinks are essential to SEO success, a strategic approach is necessary.

5. Use Local SEO

Local SEO is a great way for businesses to target certain geographical regions. By modifying your keywords and terms to include locations, you can respond to search queries that are focused on a particular area.

Furthermore, local SEO enables you to achieve results more quickly and offers a more cost-effective SEO option. When you’re targeting the key term, ‘SEO Perth’, for example, there is going to be less competition than if you attempt to target the key term, ‘SEO’. This means you can successfully rank for the local term with fewer resources, thus lowering costs. Similarly, less competition ensures you’ll notice a positive impact on your rankings more quickly.

Many people assume local SEO is only beneficial for local business, but this isn’t the case. While local SEO is certainly essential for local firms, national and even international businesses should be capitalising on local SEO too. With the opportunity to target specific areas, raise your profile in particular regions, achieve results more quickly and increase your ROI, local SEO is a tool that all businesses should be using.

Grow Your Business with SEO

As you can see, there are many facets to a successful search engine optimisation campaign. This means you’ll need to consider numerous factors to create and execute a successful SEO strategy. Furthermore, you’ll need to monitor your SEO activities, measure your performance and analyse the results in order to maintain and improve your rankings.

Search engine optimisation isn’t a one-off activity. A consistent approach is required if you want to boost your online visibility, outperform competitors and grow your business. Due to this, it’s important to access the expertise and skills that can help your business to implement effective, long-term SEO strategies. By doing so, you can increase your market share, generate higher profits and gain unrivalled online visibility.

5 Tips for Creating the Best Domain Names for Online Business Entities

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, 5 Tips for Creating the Best Domain Names for Online Business Entities

Whether you’re ecommerce, offer an online portal, or something else, you’re online. The best domain names for online business entities are the ones that are easy to spell, easy to say, and are truly memorable. Just as the domain name itself matters, so does the extension you use. These tips will make it easier for you to have a domain name that will help you succeed.

Look at What’s Successful

There are some companies that are killing it with the names of their businesses. They’re memorable, they’re easy to remember, and it shows they know how to be creative. By looking at some of the most successful names out there, you can be inspired.

Think about descriptive words that can be used to explain your online business. You may want to use SEO keywords. You may also want to combine two words to create a completely new meaning.

Keep it Simple

The last thing you want to do is make your business name so complicated that no one remembers it. Just because web browsers give you over 2,000 characters for a URL address doesn’t mean you should use them. Ideally, the character length should be less than 15. Anything over that and you risk people forgetting important details.

The best domain names for an online business are easy. They only contain one to three words, they’re easy to remember, and they can be spelled out phonetically.

Remember that while some people will reach your website organically, others will be typing it in after hearing about it on the radio, from a friend, or even seeing it on the side of your company vehicle. Make it easy for them to remember it long enough to type it into their web browser.

Tell a Story

Who are you? What makes you unique within the marketplace? The name you choose is all about the storytelling process. Particularly when you are exclusively online, your business name and your domain name should be one and the same. Otherwise, it’s going to lead to people being confused about who you are.

Be authentic about who you are. Consider what your goals are within your business. There are countless stories of how businesses came to be. The ones that pull at the heartstrings or that make people smile or laugh are going to be the most memorable.

There’s no way that you can come up with the best domain names for your online business until you know who you are and how you came to be. Write out your story. Highlight some of the words that stand out. Those could be used within your business name and domain name.

Maintain Your Identity

Once you set your domain name, you’ve set your brand. This means that you can’t let your identity falter.

If you choose a fun name, people are going to expect you to be fun. The same goes for a name that is serious. And guess what will happen if you choose a boring name?

Additionally, your keywords could lock you into something that’s too specific. You have to consider the potential for growth when you choose your domain name. For example, if you are a wedding photographer and you use ‘wedding photography’ in the domain name, it can limit you to the events that you may photograph in the future. People may never reach out to you for a quinceanera, a bar mitzvah, or any other special event.

It’s best to keep your name a bit broad so that you can expand in the future without scaring off future niches.

Explore Your Options

There are plenty of options for you to consider when choosing a domain name for your online business.


  • Specific keywords
  • A geo tag (city, county, state)
  • A fun word
  • A word that combines two keywords

Use a name generator to help you come up with some variations of your domain name. Maybe one combination is taken but another three are worth considering. There’s also nothing wrong with breaking out the thesaurus to help you explore word variations. Just don’t get so carried away that you choose a word that no one recognizes.

Your business name is who you are. It’s how people will refer to you. It will be one of the most important marketing tools that you have. Think about the different business names that operate entirely online. You know them by their web address – Google, Amazon, Yahoo. The list goes on and on.

The most successful businesses, online and locally, have brand recognition. You can say the name out loud and everyone knows who you’re talking about. It takes hard work to get to that level, but it all starts with a name. Finding the best domain names for online business entities is easier when you’re not fighting for a .com extension like everyone else. Prove that you’re different by using .ONLINE. It can open up the domain opportunities significantly and give you a name that you can be excited about

Why SEO is important for SaaS businesses

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |SEO SaaS|Why SEO is important for SaaS businessesSEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is vital for any company with an online presence. It refers to the process of improving the visibility of your website in the organic results of search engines such as Google. Many factors go into the algorithms that generate search engine rankings, including keywords, links and mobile optimization, which means there are lots of techniques you can use to improve your website’s position. If you run a SaaS business (one in which customers pay for access to a software product), SEO is going to be particularly important for you and your company. Here’s why.

Drive traffic to your website

This is perhaps the most obvious benefit of having a good SEO strategy. The higher up your website appears on Google when people search for a relevant keyword or phrase, the more likely they are to click through to your page. It’s estimated that over 25% of people click on the first organic search result on Google, and people rarely go on to even the second page of results. Combined with the fact that most online experiences begin with a search engine, it’s easy to see why SEO is a vital part of getting customers onto your site.

Publicize your business without spending money on advertising

Lots of SaaS companies turn to paid advertising to promote themselves, which is a completely valid strategy but can take up a lot of your budget. Therefore when it comes to SEO SaaS companies have a cost-effective alternative to help generate more web traffic and gain more customers, particularly in the long term. This is especially helpful for newer SaaS businesses that perhaps don’t have a large budget for advertising, or who are happy to invest some time in creating the sort of high-quality content that ranks well. In the highly competitive world of SaaS, this can be a fantastic strategy.

Stand out from your competitors

As mentioned above, the SaaS market is a very competitive one. It’s rapidly growing and expected to be worth over $140 billion globally by 2022. Standing out in such a crowded marketplace can be difficult, but a good SEO strategy can be a big help. By consistently appearing at the top of search engine results, it’s more likely that potential customers will remember and recognize your company name – even if they don’t click through to your site at first. Plus your main competitors will probably be utilizing SEO themselves, so you’re putting yourself at a disadvantage if you don’t do the same.

Get more customers

Essentially this is what it’s all about. The reason that you want more traffic to your site and greater brand recognition is all to help get more people to subscribe to the software you’re offering. Appearing at the top of search engine listings doesn’t just encourage people to click through to your site, it also helps boost your company’s credibility and trustworthiness. Organic content such as blog posts and videos tends to be viewed more highly in comparison with advertising, so packing your pages with great content not only helps improve your rankings, it also builds you a better reputation. It’s a win-win!

Web Design Tips for Plastic Surgeons

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Web Design for Plastic Surgeons|Web Design Tips for Plastic SurgeonsWhen creating a website for your plastic surgery practice, your aim should be to convert your visitors into clients, but that doesn’t come on a silver platter. You have to work for it by ensuring your site is easy to navigate, loads fast, has the right content, can be found through organic searches, and reflects your brand identity.

That may seem like a lot of work, but it isn’t if you get your web design blueprint right. Read on for basic web design tips to keep in mind when creating your plastic surgery website.

Prioritize SEO

Search engines are the regulators of the internet. It is hard to find someone who gets into a website without first passing through Google or Bing. So, when designing your website, keep all the elements of search engine optimization (SEO) in mind. An SEO friendly web design will not only help boost your ranking and increase your domain authority but also complement your plastic surgery marketing plan and expedite your growth.

Simplify the navigation

This has little to do with the search engines and a lot to do with your visitors. Any effective website should be easy to navigate both for the frequent visitors and the first-timers. If a user is on your site for the first time, they are likely to leave if they can’t find the link to a webpage they are looking for. That will be one potential client lost, and if more and more visitors do it, your bounce rate will shoot, undercutting your other SEO efforts.

Keep Things Simple

Simplicity is crucial in retaining first-time visitors to your site. A landing page crammed with visual and textual content can be confusing, and not many people may have the patience to pore over all that information. If you have an extensive service catalog or simply too much information to post, create many web pages, and optimize your navigation bar for easier content location.

Don’t forget your mobile users.

With more people using mobile devices to access the internet, there is a need to ensure your plastic surgery website is mobile-friendly. Failing to optimize your website for mobile access is one easy way to turn away the bulk of the internet without even realizing it. Ensure your site doesn’t have unnecessary elements and visuals that may not fit or load properly on the smaller smartphone screen. If that’s too much to ask, provide different URLs for your mobile visitors.

Be comprehensive and informative

Plastic surgery is a massive decision to make on the client’s part when you think about it. Most prospects don’t know what it entails and will drain you with questions on your first appointment. You can save yourself this by ensuring your website has answers to all basic questions clients may have. It should include service descriptions, financial information, pre-op and post-op information, and expectations for clients.


Albeit relatively young, the plastic surgery industry is hyper-competitive. However, with a well-thought-out web design strategy, you can boost your web presence and pull yourself closer to the leading lights. Hopefully, the above tips give you a place to start as you look to build a highly converting website.

Blog Like A Pro

In case you haven’t noticed, a business can make good use of a blog. Whether it’s on the business site itself or a different address linked to it, content marketing can do plenty for you. It can increase your visibility, give legitimacy to your brand, and build the kind of connection you want with your consumer. But blogging is a venture that takes skill all on its own. If you want to look like a pro, you have to blog like a pro.

StrategyDriven Entrepreneurship Article

Value must be your focus
If you want to improve the search engine optimization of your business and build its visibility, it’s easy to focus on quantity rather than quality. However, that’s not going to do you much good in most cases. Search engines use algorithms, such as visitor interest, to see just how valid content is. For that reason, as ever, value needs to be the core of what you need to know about your marketing strategy. Make it informative and newsworthy or helpful and instructional. It can even be focused solely on entertaining. The fact is it needs value for you to consider publishing it.

Make it your own
That’s not to say the text is all that matters. The visual style of a blog has to have a certain uniqueness to it. If you can’t pay for your own design, then at least try to find ones that aren’t widely used while still being relevant to your theme. Even with images heading blogs, you should take care to personalise them. Instead of throwing up generic images, find or make ones that stand out and customise them further by turning them into banners. Otherwise, you run the risk of looking a generic content mill. That’s the kind of design that will ensure readers don’t even stick around long enough to read what you’ve written.

Reach out
Those readers are important. Not just because they can lend the blog credibility. Those are the kind of leads that the blog can build. As with your social media and all your other marketing efforts, you need to put the work into making a community out of them. Reply to their comments. Get them involved in giveaways and competitions. Ask if they have any topics they would like you to cover.

Don’t be afraid to have a personality
When marketing for a business, it’s easy to play things safe and stick to the branding message and tone alone. When it comes to a blog, however, showing your human side is important. Finding your voice gives you the chance to enliven the intros and outros to articles. It enables you to write comments without sounding like a corporate robot. It creates the human connection of the blogger that a lot of blogger-followers want to see. Blogging is a very social kind of marketing, so you need to get sociable.

Building your audience on the blog is only going to improve the business. That means you have to take time. Time for the audience, time for the visuals, and time, most importantly of all, for the content. Happy typing.