
Everything You Should Know About Digital Media

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, Everything You Should Know About Digital Media

This article will discuss social media, blogs, and websites. We’ll also discuss websites. Digital media allows marketers to understand their target customers’ desires and engage them positively. It can also boost a current marketing campaign.


Websites are a form of media that allow users to share and view various multimedia files. Some offer free storage, while others require a paid subscription. Users can view the media through any Web browser and make the content private or available to the public. These sites are also helpful for storing backup copies of files.

Today, many businesses have websites crucial to their overall marketing strategy. They offer the quickest, most effective way to gain consumers’ attention and earn their trust and business. Since so many companies compete for consumers’ attention, websites must be engaging and informative so potential customers can decide whether to purchase.

Social Media

Social media is a set of web-based communication tools that connects people from different backgrounds and allows them to interact and share information. It is also a valuable tool for businesses as it provides a platform for creating and sharing content. Social media can be a complex and complicated took for businesses so most will look for a partner to provide digital media solutions to help their businesses grow. The most popular social media site is Facebook, with millions of users worldwide. Its impact on human society isn’t just limited to a business perspective it is also wildly popular for individual users to connect with friends, family, and other users worldwide. While social media can be positive in many ways, there are also several dark sides to the growing phenomenon to look out for, some of these include identity theft, reputation damage, and other criminal offenses.


A blog is a digital medium in which readers post content. They often discuss a specific subject. Some blogs are personal online diaries, while others promote a particular brand. Typically, a blog combines text, digital images, and links to other blogs. Many blogs enable readers to leave comments on their posts. The authors of blogs typically moderate these comments to prevent offensive language.

Blogs can drive traffic to a website, improve SEO performance, and provide alternate income streams. They also offer unique opportunities to engage audiences. Unlike a traditional website, blogs make it easier to engage with your audience. A blog also allows you to publish articles about topics relevant to your business.

Video Sharing

There are a variety of platforms where you can share and view videos. Some of the most popular ones include YouTube, Metacafe, and Dailymotion. Although they are similar in many ways, some of these platforms are unique. For example, Metacafe allows you to post short videos and has a wide variety of content. If you’re looking to make money streaming videos, Metacafe is an excellent option. Unlike YouTube, though, this platform only pays you when you get a certain amount of views. Another new video-sharing network is Utreon. This platform has a similar interface to YouTube but is a content creator’s community.

While some people share videos for personal reasons, businesses often use these videos for internal or external review and training. For these reasons, it’s essential to choose a secure video-sharing platform.

Interactive Content

Interactive content is a great way to increase brand awareness and boost conversions. This type of content also helps collect more data than static content. For example, companies can use the answers to questionnaires to measure how effective the strategy is. They can also use this information to understand their users better. To increase brand awareness, create interactive content and make it more engaging for users.

Interactive content allows users to interact with the material in a way they never have before. It may be as simple as clicking on a link or moving the mouse over an image. The results can be tremendous.

Globally Networked

Globally networked digital media is a set of technologies that people worldwide use. Cell phones, for example, allow a farmer in Nigeria to talk to his cousin in New York. Globally networked digital media also enable people to access the same news worldwide 24 hours a day.

In the future, the global network will be heterogeneous in many ways. It will include multiple constituent networks, such as the Internet and the public telephone network. It will also have satellite networks, packet radio networks, and local area networks. In addition, it will encompass disparate transmission technologies, such as infrared wireless, microwave, and radio. Finally, it will integrate disparate terminals, including battery-operated PDAs, PCs, and multiprocessor supercomputers.

Virtual Worlds

Virtual worlds allow people to see and interact in environments that they are unfamiliar with. They help people learn by enabling them to visualize complex concepts and present difficult information. They can also give people greater access to instructors and information. Users can simulate group or individual situations, and experts from different locations can join.

The potential of virtual worlds for business is fascinating. As a result, many organizations are interested in developing virtual experiences to engage users in business, communication, and collaboration. These immersive, multi-user experiences allow users to communicate, collaborate, and purchase in a virtual space.

Reasons Why You Should Get A LinkedIn Marketing Strategy Done

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, Reasons Why You Should Get A LinkedIn Marketing Strategy Done

Getting your team involved in LinkedIn marketing can be tricky. Fortunately, there are some resources you can use to make it easier. These include templates that follow brand guidelines and content ideas. This way, even if your team isn’t a designer, they can still be included in the strategy.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing on LinkedIn is a great way to get the attention of industry leaders who may be interested in your products or services. However, it’s important to start building relationships early. Influencers can help boost your brand’s reputation and drive sales.

Clear Strategic Goals

To be successful, your LinkedIn marketing strategy must be based on clear, strategic goals. These goals should be specific and include brand awareness, consideration, and conversion. They should also include measurable metrics and a planned editorial calendar. It is helpful to divide your objectives into sections, such as macro-topics. Then, you can create an editorial calendar that includes topics related to each objective.

In addition to attracting followers, your LinkedIn strategy must also focus on retaining these followers. This requires providing relevant, high-quality content. The quality of your posts can make or break your LinkedIn marketing strategy.

Taking Advantage Of LinkedIn’s Features

One of the most effective ways to generate new leads on LinkedIn is by leveraging the features of this networking site. For example, you can publish an article on the LinkedIn blog. This feature enables you to publish articles that can be read by other members and get indexed by search engines. Not only is this feature useful for building relationships, but it also allows you to stand out from the crowd.

LinkedIn has many free features to help you market your business. For example, you can post blog posts and status updates and even request recommendations from your connections. This helps you attract potential new customers. Moreover, you can even use LinkedIn for recruiting, hiring, and finding new business leads.

To Promote Your Business

To promote your business on LinkedIn, you need a strategy. Unlike other social networks, you can’t just publish the same content across different networks. Your strategy should focus on specific objectives such as brand awareness, consideration, and conversion. You need to have clear goals and define metrics, as well as a planned editorial calendar. For example, you need to establish what types of content your audience wants to read, and then organize your schedule around them.

To Generate Leads

Creating and sharing your content on LinkedIn is an excellent way to engage your followers and generate leads. You can choose to make your content more targeted and niched, and use a variety of marketing methods. For example, you can create ads aimed at specific groups of people, such as people who are looking for jobs. This can be a great way to generate leads for your real estate business.

Another great way to generate leads on LinkedIn is to learn from your connections. Connect with your existing clients and ask them to recommend you to their connections. This method is far fewer sales and pushy than cold calling. You can also browse through the profiles of your current clients and see who you have in common. This can give your leads a sense of confidence in you.

To Increase Traffic

If you want to gain the most benefit from using LinkedIn, the first step is to get a strategy in place. You can get help from social media dashboard software to get an idea of what works and what doesn’t. Once you have a strategy in place, you can get started and reap the rewards.

For Employee Advocacy

Employee advocacy is a great way to gain more exposure for your brand, and it’s also a cost-effective way to engage with your customers. Employees have personal networks that can connect them with others and build trust. They can share content with their connections, which improves networking and sales results.

Employee advocacy can also help your company build a positive reputation in the industry. Employees are usually proud of their employer and are happy to share positive experiences. This will make employees feel more attached to the company, which will increase retention and longevity. A successful employee advocacy strategy on LinkedIn will give your employees ready-to-share content and optimize their profiles to get the most attention possible.


LinkedIn is a powerful social network. It can be used for employee advocacy and to drive leads. But, before you can make the most of it, you need a marketing strategy. That’s where a professional LinkedIn marketing strategy comes in handy.

5 Problems No SEO Expert Should Solve — And Why You Should Fix Them First

Nowadays, relying on search engine optimization experts to improve your online visibility is a good business practice. Indeed, working with a professional SEO Company can positively affect your ranking in the search result pages, help drive more organic traffic to your website, and generate more leads. Your SEO strategy can be highly effective in maximizing lead generation. After all, SEO guarantees visibility on one of the most trusted brands in the world, Google. Being seen and found in Google search is a recipe for success.

Additionally, unlike advertising campaigns, organic leads coming through your SEO activities are “free”. While this doesn’t mean that a partnership with an SEO expert is pro bono, there are no advertising fees or cost per click with search engine optimization. Your SEO results can also help lower your advertising costs. For example, SEO-optimized pages decrease their average bid costs on Google AdWords. In other words, SEO can drive leads, increase brand awareness, and decrease other marketing expenses.

But it is important to understand that while SEO can be a highly effective strategy, it isn’t a miracle solution to solve all business problems. Here are 5 things you can’t expect from your SEO specialist.

#1. Figuring out the rest of your marketing strategy

An SEO partner focuses their energy on developing your SEO plan. When it comes to determining other marketing activities, your SEO contractor is the wrong point of contact. Indeed, high level marketing activities such as market data, marketing budget, or even marketing objectives will be defined by your business plan. Your business plan acts as a guiding map providing clarity on your business services, objectives, and strategy to achieve these goals. As a result, marketing will be determined at this level.

If you struggle with the creation of a coherent marketing strategy, it can be useful to reach out to a marketing strategist who can assist with this part of the business plan.

#2. Creating new content to inspire future products or services

While SEO-optimized content generation can be one of the services, your SEO copywriter will not provide content for a service or product that doesn’t exist. SEO-optimized content means that your SEO partner can help make your existing services and products more appealing to search engine platforms. The SEO copywriter is not a fiction novelist. They can’t invent what your services should be like.

If you need SEO content, you have to provide all the necessary information to your contractor, including:

  • What services you offer
  • Who your target audience is
  • What problem the services can solve
  • What your keywords are and which words you wish to rank for
  • How customers proceed to purchase or order
  • What your USP is (Unique Selling Proposition)

#3. Designing your website

Here’s an important distinction that many businesses fail to make. A website designer will develop the design and layout of your website, including the use of graphics, videos, and sounds.

An SEO expert can provide technical SEO improvements through the additions of schema markups, for instance, to your HTML. While many SEO specialists have a strong understanding of coding language to improve your SEO ranking, they do not utilize their coding know-how to upgrade the site’s layout or appearance.

If you wish to launch a new SEO-friendly website, you will need to plan a project that involves both web designers and SEO professionals.

#4. Managing your social media profiles

Social media managers are in charge of your social media presence. An SEO expert can provide support, such as creating tracking-friendly SEO URLs that can be shared on Twitter or Facebook. These links can make it easier to figure out where your traffic is coming from and which social media platform drives the highest conversion rates.

But the social media involvement for SEO stops right there. Creating engagement on social media and reaching out to your customers online is something you should entrust a trained specialist, aka a social media manager.

#5. Providing intelligence on the next market trends

Competition monitoring belongs to the regular tasks of an SEO contractor, as they track the ranking and keyword choices for your competitors. Yet, it is easy to confuse SEO monitoring and competition analysis at a business level. Your SEO agency is not designed to capture market intelligence about business choices and trends of your competitors. It is the task of a business and market analyst. The results observed can be used as part of a new business plan, which can affect your marketing strategy as a whole and your SEO activities in particular.

If you are going to make the most of your SEO activities, it is of the utmost importance to entrust experts with activities and strategies within their area of expertise.

Do Content Creators and Influencers Need Legal Services?

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, Do Content Creators and Influencers Need Legal Services?Over the past ten years, social media has been a crucial part of marketing, and during the Covid-19 pandemic, this luxury platform has become essential for the economy’s growth.  As people sat at home bored, baking banana bread and whipped coffee, social media became the primary source of entertainment, with apps like TikTok dominating with over a billion active users.

Companies began using the platforms to build their business, through in-app purchases, the app’s algorithms, and live stream functions to advertise their products. As a result, there was a rise to a new form of solopreneurship through content creators.

Unfortunately, due to the blanket immunity offered to internet companies, it’s not unusual for a content creator to be misused by the company, experience plagiarism, or be cyberbullied by other content creators.

Types of Legal Services a Content Creator or Influencer Should Look For

Content creators and influencers have a top need for legal services as they are part of an industry that’s growing alongside the proliferation of social media networks. Working with different businesses and companies which differ in terms and conditions may lead to confusion when commercializing content.  For this reason, social media influencers and content creators should have a lawyer from a reputable law firm like to help protect their growing brand. There are no one-size fits all legal services, but some areas of the law tend to be more relevant than others for content creators and influencers.

Below are the types of services a content creator or influencer should seek from a lawyer:

1. Intellectual Right Protection

Social media content creators have an exclusive opportunity to build an intellectual property portfolio, and by being in the spotlight through their work, one needs to be proactive regarding their intellectual property.

Some of the few areas content creators should pay much attention include:

  • Copyright protects the original workmanship, and the content creator can follow through with litigation against anyone infringing on their rights.
  • Rights of Publicity – This form of intellectual property protects people who are the actual brands; therefore, your image and likeliness cannot be used by a brand without your consent for any commercial activity.
  • Trademark – Content creators and influencers are not only exploited for their names, image, and likeliness but also for their valuable brand. For example, the 1.8 million followers of Minimalist Baker may not be aware of the person behind the account, but they recognize the brand.

2. Contracts to Perform Services

Hired content creators and influencers provide third-party services to promote goods or services. Therefore, an influencer inherently expects compensation for the value added to the third party.

An influencer must ensure there’s a written contract before engaging with a third party for monetary gain to have legal protection in case things go awry. Oral agreements may feel valid but difficult to enforce due to the lack of evidence.

When drawing a contract, have a lawyer present to help you analyze, review, and negotiate each clause. A contract has three main elements, an offer, acceptance, and consideration. Hence, as a content creator, play an active role during the negotiations to understand the parties involved, compensation, exclusivity, licenses, agreed to services, post requirements, breach, and moral clause.

Do Content Creators Need Legal Representation?

Social media may seem all fun, but the laws around it are not, and with new online business opportunities comes more exposure. Having legal counsel on your side will protect your brand and hold anyone legally responsible in case of a breach or harassment.

Content creators and influencers should be cautious about understanding their governing laws related to their profession of posting content for public consumption to avoid lawsuits and giving out misguided information.

Social Media Marketing: Staying Ahead in the Industry

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, Social Media Marketing: Staying Ahead in the IndustryStaying on top of the ever-changing social media landscape is vital to staying relevant and competitive. As platforms continue to optimize their content presentation and update their posting rules, keeping up with the latest trends is essential to remain relevant and reach the right users. In addition, monitoring your competitors’ social media profiles is necessary to keep current with your market and engage with your audience.


Retargeting works across many channels, such as social media and search engines. It analyzes your previous traffic and identifies your conversion goals. Then, it displays ads to past visitors and reminds them of your products and services. By targeting past visitors, you can ensure they return to your site and make a purchase.

Retargeting is a powerful marketing tool that can turn window shoppers into paying customers. It serves ads to people who show interest in your product through their website visits or social media clicks. It’s a proven technique marketers like Drive Social Media have used for years to connect with their audience. Retargeting campaigns can be set up with minimum effort, but they are most effective when well-optimized and analyzed.

You must tailor the driving campaign to your unique audience to get the most out of retargeting. It should also reflect your overall marketing strategy. This means constant testing and refinement to ensure your campaigns are relevant and practical. The more you learn about your audience, the better your results will be.

Keep track of All Your Posts on Every Channel

When doing social media marketing, it is essential to keep track of your posts. This is how you will know whether your content is generating interest and if it is reaching its intended audience. In addition, this information can help you improve your social media marketing strategy.

You must follow your competitor’s accounts to ensure you post pertinent content on the appropriate channels. You can get this done for you by your marketing company. For example, consider the Drive Social Media company. You can see your competitor’s posts, advertisements, and sophisticated tactics as a result of their work. In addition, you can use applications like Likealyzer, SEMrush, and BuzzSumo. Businesses frequently use engagement analytics to gauge their social media success, but these measures do not provide a complete picture.

Creating Video Content

Video is one of the best ways to boost your social media marketing strategy. It has several advantages, including an increased view-through rate. It can also be more engaging for viewers. Short videos can be more enticing than longer ones, especially on social media channels. In addition, you can add graphics to your videos to add to their appeal.

Aside from being highly informative, videos also help boost SEO. Therefore, you should embed them in relevant website pages. For example, if you are promoting a product, you should embed a product video on your homepage.

Similarly, if you are creating a FAQ page, you should also add a video there.

Monitoring Your Competitors’ Social Media Profiles

One of the best ways to keep your business ahead of competitors is to watch their social media profiles. You can use social listening tools to focus on specific shapes and gather information about their content. Industry blogs are also helpful in gathering information about the products and services of your competitors. Relevant data will help you make informed decisions about the most effective ways to promote your product or service.

To get started, sign in to your account and navigate to the Reports tab on the right side of the screen. From here, you can select Run Report from the drop-down menu. You can then choose from various report options, including competitor analysis. You can add up to four competitor profiles and run a comparison report.