10 Tenets of Excellent Web Development and Design

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article | 10 Tenets of Excellent Web Development and Design

In 2023, 71% of business enterprises have websites. This is an increase over earlier periods, and the Covid-19 pandemic’s effects are significantly at play.

Your business’s online presence and first impression rely on your web development and design. With all the internet has to offer your visitors, they’re quick to bounce off and forget your business until they find what they’re looking for.

A poor visual design can make a company’s website fail. It communicates how seriously they take their products and services. A great visual design is not only appealing, but it’s pleasing to follow and navigate.

Whatever your goals are, you should be able to make improvements and achieve your ultimate objectives. Read on to know the tenets of excellent web development and design.

1. Choose the Right Combination of Colors

A website design should be inviting, visually stimulating, and easy to navigate. This is where color choices come into play. The first step is to choose a main color palette and then pair up complimentary colors that will make the site visually appealing.

Use contrasting colors to create emphasis and give the site an inviting feel. It is important to take user experience into account when selecting colors.

Research has shown that colors can evoke strong emotions, so it’s important to consider the purpose of the website and the right color schemes to convey the right message. The right combination of colors should make content easy to read, promote creativity, and ultimately help to produce desired results.

2. Put Quality Photos and Videos

Quality photos and videos catch the eye and reflect positively on the brand. People are more likely to stay on the web page longer if they can see nice visuals that go along with the content of the page.

Moreover, with the growth of search engine optimization, having the right images on your site can help improve your ranking in search results by supplying good quality media content. It is very important to be sure the photos are scaled correctly and sized so they can view them easily and in the best way possible. Quality videos also help engage with your target audience, increasing their time spent on your site.

3. Make Your Website Responsive

Responsive website design takes into account the user’s device and adjusts the layout based on the device size and type. Responsive design allows your users to easily navigate your web pages and find what they’re looking for efficiently.

Use responsive design techniques such as fluid grids, breakpoints, and adaptive images. This will ensure you’ll be able to display content most beneficially for each user and device.

4. Establish a Clear Vision

Having an established vision serves as the driving force behind the project’s plan, design, and functionality. It serves as a guide to determine how the product should look and behave, and how the user experience should be.

The vision should also include an established timeline and deliverables. The site’s objectives, goals, processes, and approaches should be kept in mind to complete an effective project.

5. Invest in Quality Code

Quality code makes your website more secure, reliable, and faster. Your code should be reusable, modular, and extensible so you can use it to create a variety of web applications. Investing in quality code can save time and money in the long run.

Investing in secure code can help protect against security threats and data breaches. It can also help a website run smoothly and efficiently, allowing users to have a better website experience.

6. Focus on Forms and Functionality

Forms are an integral part of a website that allows users to provide information, take surveys, sign up for services, and so on. Without forms, they can’t comply with these tasks online. Form fields need to be designed in an intuitive manner that allows a user to quickly find what they are looking for and provide information accurately.

Functionality is a key aspect of web development because it ensures that a website performs as expected and expected. This includes ensuring the website is accessible on multiple devices and works efficiently.

7. Make It Accessible to All Users

Designers must ensure that their sites are accessible to all users, regardless of their abilities. This includes those with visual, auditory, physical, neurological, cognitive, or emotional impairments. Ensuring accessibility is a legal obligation and should be a major priority while designing a website.

Accessibility must also be kept in mind throughout the process, from the design of the site to the coding. As a web developer or designer, it is essential to stay up to date on the latest accessibility requirements and tools. This will provide equitable web experiences for all users.

8. Maximize Your Load Times

Web development and design should always focus on loading times. If a website takes too long to load, then users may stop visiting. An effective design should explore ways to streamline the website’s structure, code, and images to maximize load times.

Tools such as page speed monitoring and lazy loading can help identify and reduce loading times. Regular testing of site speed may also be necessary to ensure everything is working properly and optimally.

9. Incorporate Quality Content

Quality content is essential for all websites, as it informs web visitors, establishes authority and trust, and keeps people coming back. It needs to be informative, up-to-date, and consistent in tone. It must also be optimized with the right keywords to ensure its visibility.

It should also be creative and able to engage visitors, as well as be easy to read and understand. Quality content increases the chances of visitors clicking on internal links and sharing a website on social media.

10. Consider Hiring a Web Developer

Hire a web developer that will bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the project. They can help you create a modern, responsive site that meets the needs of your target users. They will consider usability, SEO best practices, and successful design elements so they can create a site that allows you to effectively present and promote your business.

Make the Best Out of Your Web Development and Design

In conclusion, excellent web development and design is an incredibly important parts of creating a successful website. Following these core tenets will ensure that your website meets the modern demands of today’s online users. What’s more, if you put in the extra effort to ensure excellent security and speed, you’ll be sure to see an increase in user engagement on your website.

Check out our other blogs on this site if you find this article useful in many ways!

5 Best SEO Practices for Small Businesses

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article | 5 Best SEO Practices for Small Businesses

Fewer than 1% of Google search engine users click on results from the second page of a search. With search engine optimization (SEO), you can rank at the top. Appearing at the top of the page can give you a competitive advantage.

You can generate brand awareness, traffic, and leads to grow your business.

Not sure how to get started? Read on for the five best SEO practices you need to improve your rankings. Applying these best practices can help your rankings rise in no time.

1. Match the Search Intent

A user’s search intent tells you the reason behind a singular search. Understanding search intent can ensure you create relevant content people want. More people will click on your website from search engine result pages (SERPs), increasing your clickthrough rate.

A high clickthrough rate can boost your organic rankings. As you generate more organic traffic, you’ll gain more opportunities to generate leads, too.

Determine the user’s search intent through audience and keyword research.

First, specify your target audience by developing buyer personas. Then, gather keyword research for each persona you create. You can use tools like:

  • Ahrefs
  • SEMRush
  • Google Trends
  • Keyword Planner
  • Answer the Public

Select longer phrases (long-tail keywords) which are more precise. For each post you create, meet the user’s search intent by answering their question. Provide useful, engaging information to become a resource for your audience in the future.

2. Follow the Core Web Vitals

Google’s Core Web Vitals are user-focused factors that affect a website visitor’s experience on your site. Improving the user experience (UX) will encourage visitors to stay.

A negative experience, on the other hand, can increase your bounce rate, hurting your rankings.

Make sure your site is fast, user-friendly, mobile-optimized, and secure by following the Core Web Vitals.

3. Prioritize Quality

When creating content, focus on quality over quantity. Provide your target audience with useful information that responds to the pain points they’re experiencing.

Add EEAT (Experience, Expertise, Authority, Trustworthiness) to your content to gain credibility.

4. Generate Backlinks

Backlinks appear on other websites before directing readers to your site. As part of your off-page SEO strategy, generating quality backlinks can benefit your organic rankings.

Consider guest blogging to begin generating backlinks. Otherwise, analyze your website backlinks to determine who’s affecting your rankings.

5. Measure Success

Once you use these search engine optimization tips, measure your results. Determine which blog posts generate the most traffic. Track your rankings to determine which tactics are helping you improve.

Use the data you collect to make informed adjustments to your SEO strategy over time. As you make improvements, your rankings and ROI will rise.

Follow these best SEO practices today!

A strong search engine optimization strategy can help you reach new customers as they search for your offerings. Follow these best SEO practices to boost your rankings. Then, continue making adjustments to rank at the top of search engine result pages.

With a strong SEO strategy, you can expand your reach with effective digital marketing.

Searching for more tips? We can help. Explore our latest articles for more useful advice.

How to Get More Organic Visitors to Your Website

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article | How to Get More Organic Visitors to Your Website

Having a website is essential to every modern business. You need it not just to talk about your brand and promote the products or services you offer. Building one helps you generate organic visitors. These are people who are looking to purchase the things you sell. You can’t build a website without figuring out how to attract organic visitors and turn them into paying customers. In this guide, we look into some of the best tips to draw in the right people to your website.

1. Focus On Creating Helpful Content

When building a website, you will need to focus more on the type of content you want to include. Great content not only keeps visitors engaged, but it has a greater chance of ranking high in the Search Engine Results Pages or SERPs. Google rewards websites that publish quality content such as blogs and videos. To increase your website’s search visibility, consider creating content that answers specific questions or provides visitors with new and compelling information.

2. Learn From Your Competitors

It can be difficult to brainstorm ideas that will help put your website at the top of the SERPs. For this, you might want to check the websites of your closest competitors and see the keywords they rank for and the kinds of content they publish. Through effective competitor research, you can come up with new content ideas and make changes to your SEO strategy so your business won’t get left behind.

3. Tweak Your Website

Even if you have great content, Google’s algorithm will still demote you in the SERPs if you aren’t doing enough to improve your website’s performance. Slow loading speeds and the lack of an SSL certificate are just some of the things that will drag your website down as well as your visitor count. Consider speeding up your web pages by deleting unused plugins and limiting the number of HTTP requests your website makes. You should also improve user experience by making sure your website is optimized for smaller screens and choosing a more navigable layout. 

4. Start Building Quality Links

Link-building is an essential component of running a website. It supports brand authority and tells Google that your website is trustworthy enough to deserve a higher rank in the SERPs. To do this, consider writing guest posts for authority sites and offering other businesses to feature your content on their blogs. Be sure to check the domain authority of these sites before reaching out. The higher the domain authority, the better your website ranks.

5. Get a Marketing Team to Help You Out

Improving your website’s ability to generate more organic visitors could be too complex, especially if you are running your business by yourself. One way you can get around this hurdle is to hire a local marketing agency for the job. With this, you can tap into the tools and skills you need to create great content and build quality backlinks that will put your website at the top. 

There’s still a lot you need to learn about generating more organic visitors, but the tips above should help you get started on the right footing.

What do you need DAM for?

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, What do you need DAM for

This abbreviation stands for Digital Asset Management. DAM platforms are used as centralised solutions for digital content management, storage and distribution. If you’re looking for a DAM platform for your business, you’re spoiled for choice – there are quite a few of them. So, how do you make a choice? In this post, we want to show you what you need to pay attention to in order to pick a DAM platform that’s useful and tailored to your business.

Storing and managing online content is more than just putting it on a virtual cloud drive (like Google Drive or Dropbox). There are other questions to consider, five of them actually. Let’s take a closer look at them.

Five areas where DAMs are incredibly useful

DAMs come with many options and features. Some of them are universal, and some are just for selected companies. What’s common, though, is that the majority of DAM tools help companies with five content-related issues:

  • Ineffective asset management: You need a platform that provides access to a centralised repository for all of your digital assets. As a result, your team, no matter how big or dispersed, can work with digital content easily and seamlessly.
  • Lack of control: Storing files is one thing. Managing them effectively is the other. As a company owner or marketing manager, you need full control over your files, including different versions of the same file, efficient copyrights management and metadata management (e.g., for SEO purposes). That’s what DAMs are for.
  • Team collaboration: If you have a large team, effective collaboration can be challenging. With a decent DAM platform, you don’t need to worry about that – everything is accessible and readily available for every team member.
  • Content performance and analytics: Do you know what happens with your content? How popular it gets? Where is it published? Advanced DAM platforms come with analytics and reporting features so that you can measure the performance of your content. It can be a vital help when it comes to tweaking your SEO or content marketing strategy.
  • Dealing with large projects: Some digital projects require working with hundreds and thousands of files and pieces of content. A good DAM platform is up for the challenge! These tools are ready to work even with large-scale projects involving many assets and teams.

As you can see, a good DAM platform can help you with your projects and everyday work. How do these tools differ from typical cloud-hosted file storages, though? The short answer is they are more flexible and advanced. With DAMs, you have access to more features and functions (e.g., advanced editing or creative software) so that you can work with diverse types of content (text, audio, video and images) frequently without using other tools. However, this doesn’t mean that every company need a DAM tool. If you feel like cloud storage is sufficient for your work, that’s totally fine.

If you’re looking for a DAM platform for your business, make sure it will help you solve your common work-related problems. Plus, you should pay attention to available features, as they make the use of such a tool truly hassle-free. There are also five essential features to consider.

Other DAM features

As you already know, DAMs are not only about storing and distributing files. These are AIO (all-in-one) platforms for everything content-related. Therefore, ensure your DAM comes with these features that will make your work easier:

  • Metadata management
  • Different file version management
  • Integrations with other tools
  • Content management and editing features
  • Workflow and collaboration features

Do you want to know more about DAMs? You can start by comparing available solutions! That’s what you will find in the full version of this article: https://noaignite.co.uk/blog/dam-platform-comparison

Want More People to Notice Your Website? 5 Things That You Need to Include

Strategy Driven Online Marketing and Website Development Article | Want More People to Notice Your Website? 5 Things That You Need to Include

Do you have a website for your business that simply isn’t pulling the numbers that you need it to? If so, it may be time to look into investing a bit of money in your website’s design and its SEO. Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is a critical aspect of any website’s success. It involves a wide variety of techniques and strategies that help to increase a website’s visibility and ranking in search engine results pages. In 2023, SEO is not only a requirement for websites to succeed, but it is a necessity!

So, in this article, some of the key elements that websites need to get good SEO will be explored, so you can identify where your website may need a bit of a brush-up.

Keyword Research

One of the most important elements of SEO is identifying the keywords and phrases that your target audience is using to search for the products or services that you offer. This research should be conducted before you create any content for your website, as it will help you to optimize your content for the right keywords. And, with a website designed by School Web Design or another website company, these keywords will be placed in clever locations, such as the blog and landing page, and will not be crammed into your website’s content.

On-Page Optimization

On-page optimization refers to the various elements of your website that can be optimized to improve your SEO. This includes your page titles, meta descriptions, header tags, image alt tags, and internal linking structure. By optimizing these elements, you can help search engines to better understand the content of your website and improve your visibility in search engine results pages.

Content Creation

High-quality content is one of the most important factors in SEO and for your website, you should aim to create content that is informative, engaging, and relevant to your target audience. This can include blog posts, articles, infographics, videos, and more. By consistently creating high-quality content, you can help to establish your website as an authoritative source of information in your industry. However, in order to comply with the Google algorithm and to ensure that you get the ranking needed for your website to be spotted by those who you are aiming your services at, you will need to make sure that all of the content is plagiarism free.

Link Building

Link building refers to the process of acquiring backlinks from other websites. Backlinks are important because they signal to search engines that other websites consider your content to be valuable and worth linking to. There are many different strategies for acquiring backlinks, including guest posting, broken link building, and creating linkable assets such as infographics or original research.

Mobile Optimization

With more and more people using mobile devices to access the internet, it’s essential that your website is optimized for mobile users, or else, you may be turning away up to and over 80% of all internet users!

Making sure this applies to your website includes using responsive design to ensure that your website looks great on all devices, as well as optimizing your site’s load times and navigation for mobile users.

Of course, the best way to make sure that your website is able to compete online is to hire a website designer and a marketing team, so it may be time to start looking!