
How To Take Your Website To New Heights

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Website Design|How To Take Your Website To New HeightsIn the 21st century, it’s near impossible for a business to survive without a quality website. Such a large percentage of commerce is now being done exclusively online, and this is encouraging a greater focus on producing enticing, effective web pages that are sure to draw in as many customers as possible. Luckily, figuring out how your business can take its website to new heights needn’t be as difficult as you might expect, as there are several simple tips and tricks that you can make the most of to transform your platform in no time at all! So, if you would like to find out more, then simply read on to uncover some of the best steps that you can utilise today.

A Recognisable Name

Before you even start to think about selling your wares online, you need to come up with a unique and original domain name that you can register for your business. Every website has a domain name, as this is essentially a representation of a physical address that a brick and mortar store has. Choosing an unusual or unrecognisable name is going to drop you in the deep end surrounded by a sea of other websites, as you need to identify a suitable URL that relates to your products and services. If your business name is already taken then do not panic, as you can experiment with adding letters or words to make it work. Adding a simple ‘the’ may be enough to identify a totally unique domain name, or even including your head office or flagship location can ensure that you have little competition. Choosing and registering your URL can be a bit of a tricky process, but luckily there are experienced teams like DomainQuick that can pinpoint the perfect match and make sure it’s yours to utilise.

The Design & Aesthetics

One of the most important aspects of your website that can make or break its success is the overall design and aesthetic that you choose to channel. Having a jumbled mishmash of random colours, garish patterns and interrupted aesthetics is going to reflect badly on your business, as you need to accurately represent your brand and its values through the design of your website. A poor quality aesthetic will lead the customer to believe that you produce poor quality products or provide low quality services, so you must make an effort to keep on top of your website’s design to ensure it meets expectations. A minimalist design is likely the best option to explore, as you can remain classic, elegant and professional all rolled into one. Always use dark text colour on top of a light background to maintain accessibility, as those with visual impairments can read better this way. When adding pictures, videos or graphics, try not to go overboard – a couple of photos per page is more than enough, as too many attention grabbing elements can quickly become overwhelming, and even increase the load time of your webpage in the browser.

Make It Interactive

Another brilliant way to upgrade your website is by making the platform as interactive as possible. When visiting a normal brick and mortar store, you will likely encounter an employee as soon as you enter through the front doors. This customer will greet you, and ask whether you’ll be needing any help during your visit – however, this essential introduction is often lost when browsing the web, as few websites give you the chance to discuss your queries without phoning up a remote call centre. Adding in an interactive chat messenger feature is a brilliant option that is sure to increase the quality of your virtual customer service, as you’ll be able to send users in the right direction whilst clearing up any issues they may have before they grow into serious complaints. Having a chat feature can be beneficial in many ways, as you can cut your customer complaints considerably by actively attempting to resolve any problems through the use of the secure messaging platform. You can even choose to program your chat box to pop up after 5-10 seconds of browsing, as this will alert the user of its presence and remind them that if they want to talk, you’re here to help!

Taking your professional business website to a whole new level has never been so simple when you can take the time to make the most of some of the brilliant tried and tested tips and tricks that have been carefully detailed above.

How to Boost eCommerce Sales for Your Business

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |eCommerce Sales|How to Boost eCommerce Sales for Your BusinessIt is no secret that online sales skyrocketed during the COVID-19 pandemic. While bricks and mortar stores were forced to close, eCommerce businesses were able to take advantage of this and enjoy a surge in sales and plenty of new customers to boot. However, now that physical stores have started to re-open and consumers are spending less time at home, you may have noticed that your sales figures are beginning to drop a little. If you see a decrease in visitors to your website and a reduced number of sales, you are probably keen to get this sorted out and get your eCommerce store thriving once again. Here are some of the actionable changes you can make to increase eCommerce sales for your business:

Keep Engaging With Your Customers

One of the most effective methods of creating a consistent level of sales is to manage your relationship with consumers that are already interested in your products. Engaging with your social media followers and showcasing your products on your platforms can provide a valuable way to encourage extra sales from loyal customers. Social media platforms, especially Facebook and Instagram, can offer a helpful way to capture your customers’ attention with highly visual content. Uploading videos and product images can create immediate interest in a new product or sale items, especially when you link from the post directly through to your eCommerce site.

Encourage Add-On Sales

Encouraging add-on sales is a valuable way to boost your profits and up the value of each order. Suggesting similar products or matching products that the customer may also like can lead to an increase in sales. Even suggesting lower value items that customers may like can make a big difference to your sales figures. Another helpful way to boost sales is to let customers know how much more they need to spend to qualify for free shipping. In most cases, consumers like the idea of gaining an extra product in their order and paying a little more than to pay for shipping costs.

Use Digital Promotion Methods

Everyone likes to pay less for their items wherever they can, and saving money on their shopping generates a buzz that most people love. If you hope to encourage your customers to purchase a specific item and engage with a call to action, or you want to clear stock without reducing the listed price, you could use a Digital Rebates Platform. Offering digital rebates as a money-saving incentive can tempt your customers into buying a product and enjoy all the benefits of getting something they want at a great price.

Make the Most of Your Email List

Your email list is a valuable source of information and has the potential to deliver many sales opportunities for your business. Treating your email subscribers as privileged customers is an excellent way to build your relationship and encourage further sales. Giving your subscribers exclusive discounts and early access to deals and offers will strengthen your relationship and lead to repeat purchases.

How to Monetize your Website and Blog

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Monetize your blog|How to Monetize your Website and BlogIf you have a website and you want to make it work for you, then you’ll be glad to know that this is now easier than ever to do. In fact, if you follow this guide, then you will soon find that you can generate a side-source of income with ease.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is quite possibly one of the most popular ways for you to make money from your website. Start by finding a product that you genuinely like and would be happy to recommend. You then need to put it on your website, so you can endorse it. If your product or service resonates with the audience you have, you’ll get a portion of the profit when they buy through your affiliate link. The commission may be 30% but at the same time, it can be as high as 70%. If you want to make this work for your business site, then advertise products that relate to your service. If you sell fish tanks for example, having links to tank cleaning products would be a good bridge.

Sell Advertisement Space

Incorporating AdSense on your website is just one of the many ways that you can make money by using advertisements. Another way would be for you to sell your advertisement space. You can sponsor different blogs and you can also come up with a price for each space. You will get paid depending on how many website visitors you get. The great thing about this approach is that if you get a lot of traffic from different sources, you can easily use this to your advantage and charge a much higher price.


AdWords are the ads that appear on the Google search result page. AdSense on the other hand gives publishers the chance to tap into the advertisement market network so that other advertisers are able to run ads on the website. The great thing about this is how simple it is. When you sign up, Google will put a simple code on your site that identifies the content. Relevant advertisements will then be shown. Remember, you can always look into private marketplace advertising as well, if you want to explore ads even further.

Sell a Digital Product

Another way for you to make money through your site would be for you to try and sell a digital product. The great thing about doing this is that there is no middleman between the buyer and you. You will also be able to use the money earnt, to invest in new products. This approach is relatively straightforward because you can sell through your site and everything will be available for immediate sale. On top of this, there is no inventory management required. You can set up as many downloads as required and you won’t have to worry about storing them or having a stock count. It’s a great way for you to make your blog or website work for you as well if you want to generate some side income for your business.

What Makes A Great SEO Campaign?

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |SEO campaign|What Makes A Great SEO Campaign?SEO is one of the single most important elements of marketing a website. Rather than having to pay for adverts for years on end, SEO enables you to gain organic hits online. Of course, this process can take a lot of work and investment, but it can also save you a small fortune if you handle it correctly. To help you out with this, this post will be exploring some of the key elements that make a great SEO campaign.

Good Research

Research is key to every part of the SEO campaign you build. Not only do you need to research keywords, but you also need to learn about the specific market that you are working in. This can involve looking up information about your customers, though many companies will also want to know as much as possible about their competitors as they go through this.

A Specialized Approach

Every business is different, and this means that the approach that you take to your SEO should be based on the market you work in. Just like any marketing campaign, understanding what your customers will respond to is crucial during this process. Stellar SEO’s guide to SEO for lawyers is a great option for those working in the field of law, but you can find resources like this for just about every field on the market.

Regular Content

Google and other search engines like to see websites that are actively posting content all the time. This helps to raise your reputation, while also giving you the chance to target loads of keywords. Most successful websites will produce one or two blog posts each week, giving them the chance to rake in new hits on search engines without having to spend loads of money on adverts.

No Plagiarism

Search engines are very good at reading written content, and this means that they are able to tell when websites share the same wording. This can be very bad, especially if you published your content after the other instances of it that can be found on the web. You should avoid plagiarism at all costs, even if you are running an eCommerce website and have been given product descriptions from other companies.

Constant Monitoring

While many companies stop working on SEO when they get the results that they want, keeping your engagement up is going to require constant monitoring and changes. Your new blog posts and other content can help with this, but you can also change the content you have when you notice keyword preferences changing across the web. There are loads of tools that can help with this.

SEO can be one of the hardest parts of marketing for many companies. While this area is well-documented online, there are a lot of secrets that you will only be able to learn through experience. The more time you spend working on this, the easier it will become, but you will still need to put effort into it for the lifespan of your website.

How to Make Your Website Safe With CAPTCHA!

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Keep your website safe|Guide to Keep Your Website Safe With CAPTCHAIf you’re an e-commerce or online business owner, then you are perhaps by now already well aware of the issues brought about by bots and annoying spams. If ignored, they can bring down the value of your website by harming your comments section, hijack your site with unwanted ads and even attack your contact forms which could lead to a catastrophic data breach. You might have in the past multiple have been asked to prove if you’re not a ROBOT or perhaps times when you have been asked to click certain images or click the images containing traffic signals or such. Maybe enter the ambiguous hard-to-read collection of letters and or numbers that warrant you are a real person and not a bot or an algorithm that is illegally trying to gain access to the system. These tests, though annoying, help protect your website. They’re called “Completely Automated Public Turing Tests to Tell Computers and Humans Apart” or CAPTCHA for short since it is such a mouthful to say. CAPTCHAs are to date one of the most effective and efficient ways to stop bots, software and program from spamming your website. Even though they seem complicated, they are rather easy to implement, and they provide a firm line of defence.

So let’s learn more about this defence mechanism and how it can prove beneficial for your website.

So what is CAPTCHA?

As mentioned above, CAPTCHA is short for Completely Automated Public Turing Tests To Tell Computers and Humans Apart. It is a process used to clarify and ascertain whether the action was requested by a human or a bot, or a machine. The user is asked a question to carry out certain actions which are not possible for a non-human entity. The user may proceed to the page if and only if this question is retorted correctly. CAPTCHAs provide difficult tests for computers, program or bots to perform but are relatively easy for humans to solve. Don’t worry; these tests are not some complicated puzzles, rather simple and basic tasks like identifying objects or typing out a series of numbers or alphabets that are displayed. These tests are easy for humans, but a bot or a machine would not crack them as they are not programmed to solve these tests. In some cases, the test may include identifying what is distorted, and some users might find it difficult to identify them. In such cases, users are typically given the option to request a new test and are presented with a new image or a combination of alphabets and numbers.

But why use CAPTCHA?

Now that you know what CAPTCHA is let’s see why exactly you should use it. Simply put, CAPTCHA stops and prevents spam on your website. Several spammers attack the website’s comment sections with hyperlinks and click baits to increase search engine rankings. With the help of this test, you can make sure only humans comment on your site and are not bombarded by useless ads and comments left by bots.  The main aim of spammers is often to flood your inbox or your comment section with links to whatever they would like to push. The CAPTCHA test is specifically premeditated to ensure only humans can sign in and a bot or a machine doesn’t leave spam. Think of it as a layer of safety to screen out real humans from spambots by providing added resistance from spammers and scammers. These spammers or hackers usually want to gain access in search of your users’ email addresses and data. With CAPTCHA in place, you can stay protected against these unwanted entities. 

Currently, bots, program, algorithms and computer systems do not have the level of reasoning abilities that humans have which is required to process and evaluate pictorial information or data. Therefore, CAPTCHAs are very important to secure your website.

 When should you use CAPTCHA?

The question is not when but how soon should you use CAPTCHA? Well, if you find your website flooded with spams and irrelevant ads, it is a sign that you should put CAPTCHA in place to filter out your users from the bots. CAPTCHAs help protect your website by stopping spam from computerized programs or bots programmed to shoot emails, advertisements and spam comments on your website. The tests also help prevent spam signups and processes on your website. Many users know what CAPTCHAs are, and hence these people with by default, understand what they’re supposed to do since the directions and instructions of the tests are very simple.  

How did CAPTCHAs come about?

The internet is a great tool, but it is also a playground for fraud and spam. As the usage increased, so did the cases of spamming and data breaches. These spams are not only a menace for the users but the website owners as well. Therefore, there was a growing need for a system to filter out the real users from the automated bots that usually hijack the website and spam. This is where CAPTCHAs started to come into play. CAPTCHAs help protect your website by stopping spam from computerized programs or bots programmed to shoot emails, advertisements and spam comments on your website. The tests also help prevent scam signups and processes on your website. Many users know what CAPTCHAs are, and hence these people with by default, understand what they’re supposed to do since the directions and instructions of the tests are very simple. CAPTCHA was formed at Carnegie Mellon University in the year 2000 to help websites keep the bots outside whilst allowing entrance to only real users. The puzzles and tests work because computers, bots and machines are not as good as humans at reading distorted text or identifying basic objects as it is not in their program. As time progressed, these bots and programs got smarter but so have the difficulty level of CAPTCHAs.

What makes CAPCTHAs so popular today?

The simple answer is security. With so many threats looming over the internet today, it becomes important for website owners to employ security features like this one to help keep their websites secured from external frauds, bots and spammers. Wondering about why to make website secure with CAPTCHA code? CAPTCHAs help secure the website but also aids in filtering out authentic users from the spamming bots. In addition, CAPTCHAs also stop sites from being affected by brute-force hacking and attacks, which is a huge bonus. A brute force attack is a hacking technique where the attacker uses a trial-and-error method to predict passwords to gain access. CAPTCHAs are designed to recognize such attempts which are illegal and hence block access to the attacker.

 Other tactics and techniques to secure your website

Apart from CAPTCHA, you can use several other techniques and tools to secure your website from external threats and attacks. 

HTTPS is always better than HTTP

One technique you can use to secure your website is to use HTTPS or Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, a more secure form of conventional HTTP. HTTPS amplifies the security of your website since it is encrypted and scrambled. Websites that are not HTTPS are at a higher risk of giving free access to Internet Service Providers, allowing them to fit their content or spam your webpages. HTTPS encryption, however, does have some limitations, but you reinforce this by using an authenticator. An authenticator oversees any communication between you and the server and ensures that it’s secure, thereby assisting HTTPS to secure your website. SSL certificates or secure socket layer is one such authenticator. We suggest that you purchase SSL certificate from reliable SSL providers such as ClickSSL to make your website more secure by providing a safe and secure transfer-layer. This shields your personal and precious data from going into the attacker’s hands.

Keep updating your passwords.

Another trick to keeping your data secure is to make sure you regularly keep updating and changing your password as it becomes much more difficult to crack. But always make sure that your passwords should not be similar to your previous passwords and should be long, complex and have some special characters in them. Doing so makes your password unpredictable and much more difficult to guess and crack.

Updating your website software regularly.

There is a reason why the software comes with regular updates and patches. However, just as the security is constantly updated, the hackers are also constantly trying to find loopholes to exploit. This is the reason why you should frequently update your website software with the latest version. In addition, you need to be constantly aware of the security patches that the website software developer sends out and apply them without any further delay. If you do not do this, your website will be vulnerable to new techniques of hacking and attacks. 

Always have a backup of your data.

Data is precious in the digital world, be it yours or your users’. It’s important to take all the steps to ensure that the data doesn’t fall into the wrong hands. But it’s equally important to back up the content and data of your website. In a worst-case scenario, if a hacker manages to get into your system and your website, you can always recover your data. On the other hand, if your website data is safely stored, the odds are you can recover it.

 In conclusion, CAPTCHAs are your safest bet when it comes to securing your website online. But do not just employ CAPTCHA and think that your website is secured. Instead, invest in other security measures like SSL certificates that reinforce your website security.