How to Make Your Website Safe With CAPTCHA!

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Keep your website safe|Guide to Keep Your Website Safe With CAPTCHAIf you’re an e-commerce or online business owner, then you are perhaps by now already well aware of the issues brought about by bots and annoying spams. If ignored, they can bring down the value of your website by harming your comments section, hijack your site with unwanted ads and even attack your contact forms which could lead to a catastrophic data breach. You might have in the past multiple have been asked to prove if you’re not a ROBOT or perhaps times when you have been asked to click certain images or click the images containing traffic signals or such. Maybe enter the ambiguous hard-to-read collection of letters and or numbers that warrant you are a real person and not a bot or an algorithm that is illegally trying to gain access to the system. These tests, though annoying, help protect your website. They’re called “Completely Automated Public Turing Tests to Tell Computers and Humans Apart” or CAPTCHA for short since it is such a mouthful to say. CAPTCHAs are to date one of the most effective and efficient ways to stop bots, software and program from spamming your website. Even though they seem complicated, they are rather easy to implement, and they provide a firm line of defence.

So let’s learn more about this defence mechanism and how it can prove beneficial for your website.

So what is CAPTCHA?

As mentioned above, CAPTCHA is short for Completely Automated Public Turing Tests To Tell Computers and Humans Apart. It is a process used to clarify and ascertain whether the action was requested by a human or a bot, or a machine. The user is asked a question to carry out certain actions which are not possible for a non-human entity. The user may proceed to the page if and only if this question is retorted correctly. CAPTCHAs provide difficult tests for computers, program or bots to perform but are relatively easy for humans to solve. Don’t worry; these tests are not some complicated puzzles, rather simple and basic tasks like identifying objects or typing out a series of numbers or alphabets that are displayed. These tests are easy for humans, but a bot or a machine would not crack them as they are not programmed to solve these tests. In some cases, the test may include identifying what is distorted, and some users might find it difficult to identify them. In such cases, users are typically given the option to request a new test and are presented with a new image or a combination of alphabets and numbers.

But why use CAPTCHA?

Now that you know what CAPTCHA is let’s see why exactly you should use it. Simply put, CAPTCHA stops and prevents spam on your website. Several spammers attack the website’s comment sections with hyperlinks and click baits to increase search engine rankings. With the help of this test, you can make sure only humans comment on your site and are not bombarded by useless ads and comments left by bots.  The main aim of spammers is often to flood your inbox or your comment section with links to whatever they would like to push. The CAPTCHA test is specifically premeditated to ensure only humans can sign in and a bot or a machine doesn’t leave spam. Think of it as a layer of safety to screen out real humans from spambots by providing added resistance from spammers and scammers. These spammers or hackers usually want to gain access in search of your users’ email addresses and data. With CAPTCHA in place, you can stay protected against these unwanted entities. 

Currently, bots, program, algorithms and computer systems do not have the level of reasoning abilities that humans have which is required to process and evaluate pictorial information or data. Therefore, CAPTCHAs are very important to secure your website.

 When should you use CAPTCHA?

The question is not when but how soon should you use CAPTCHA? Well, if you find your website flooded with spams and irrelevant ads, it is a sign that you should put CAPTCHA in place to filter out your users from the bots. CAPTCHAs help protect your website by stopping spam from computerized programs or bots programmed to shoot emails, advertisements and spam comments on your website. The tests also help prevent spam signups and processes on your website. Many users know what CAPTCHAs are, and hence these people with by default, understand what they’re supposed to do since the directions and instructions of the tests are very simple.  

How did CAPTCHAs come about?

The internet is a great tool, but it is also a playground for fraud and spam. As the usage increased, so did the cases of spamming and data breaches. These spams are not only a menace for the users but the website owners as well. Therefore, there was a growing need for a system to filter out the real users from the automated bots that usually hijack the website and spam. This is where CAPTCHAs started to come into play. CAPTCHAs help protect your website by stopping spam from computerized programs or bots programmed to shoot emails, advertisements and spam comments on your website. The tests also help prevent scam signups and processes on your website. Many users know what CAPTCHAs are, and hence these people with by default, understand what they’re supposed to do since the directions and instructions of the tests are very simple. CAPTCHA was formed at Carnegie Mellon University in the year 2000 to help websites keep the bots outside whilst allowing entrance to only real users. The puzzles and tests work because computers, bots and machines are not as good as humans at reading distorted text or identifying basic objects as it is not in their program. As time progressed, these bots and programs got smarter but so have the difficulty level of CAPTCHAs.

What makes CAPCTHAs so popular today?

The simple answer is security. With so many threats looming over the internet today, it becomes important for website owners to employ security features like this one to help keep their websites secured from external frauds, bots and spammers. Wondering about why to make website secure with CAPTCHA code? CAPTCHAs help secure the website but also aids in filtering out authentic users from the spamming bots. In addition, CAPTCHAs also stop sites from being affected by brute-force hacking and attacks, which is a huge bonus. A brute force attack is a hacking technique where the attacker uses a trial-and-error method to predict passwords to gain access. CAPTCHAs are designed to recognize such attempts which are illegal and hence block access to the attacker.

 Other tactics and techniques to secure your website

Apart from CAPTCHA, you can use several other techniques and tools to secure your website from external threats and attacks. 

HTTPS is always better than HTTP

One technique you can use to secure your website is to use HTTPS or Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, a more secure form of conventional HTTP. HTTPS amplifies the security of your website since it is encrypted and scrambled. Websites that are not HTTPS are at a higher risk of giving free access to Internet Service Providers, allowing them to fit their content or spam your webpages. HTTPS encryption, however, does have some limitations, but you reinforce this by using an authenticator. An authenticator oversees any communication between you and the server and ensures that it’s secure, thereby assisting HTTPS to secure your website. SSL certificates or secure socket layer is one such authenticator. We suggest that you purchase SSL certificate from reliable SSL providers such as ClickSSL to make your website more secure by providing a safe and secure transfer-layer. This shields your personal and precious data from going into the attacker’s hands.

Keep updating your passwords.

Another trick to keeping your data secure is to make sure you regularly keep updating and changing your password as it becomes much more difficult to crack. But always make sure that your passwords should not be similar to your previous passwords and should be long, complex and have some special characters in them. Doing so makes your password unpredictable and much more difficult to guess and crack.

Updating your website software regularly.

There is a reason why the software comes with regular updates and patches. However, just as the security is constantly updated, the hackers are also constantly trying to find loopholes to exploit. This is the reason why you should frequently update your website software with the latest version. In addition, you need to be constantly aware of the security patches that the website software developer sends out and apply them without any further delay. If you do not do this, your website will be vulnerable to new techniques of hacking and attacks. 

Always have a backup of your data.

Data is precious in the digital world, be it yours or your users’. It’s important to take all the steps to ensure that the data doesn’t fall into the wrong hands. But it’s equally important to back up the content and data of your website. In a worst-case scenario, if a hacker manages to get into your system and your website, you can always recover your data. On the other hand, if your website data is safely stored, the odds are you can recover it.

 In conclusion, CAPTCHAs are your safest bet when it comes to securing your website online. But do not just employ CAPTCHA and think that your website is secured. Instead, invest in other security measures like SSL certificates that reinforce your website security.

Unique Ways To Make Your Website More Dynamic

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Dynamic Website|Unique Ways To Make Your Website More DynamicWebsite design has gotten quite stale over the past couple of years. Thanks to all of the easy-to-use website building services and applications, it’s never been easier to put together a website in just a few clicks. To make things easier, there are thousands of templates available online that will help you create a wonderful page that can be modified to your liking.

Unfortunately, many websites have become static pages of information that don’t provide much value or content to visitors. In this post, we’ll be covering a couple of unique ways to help make your website a lot more dynamic and interesting.

Add video and sound content

Video and sound content is easy to host on a website thanks to embeds with YouTube and other services. This can turn your website into a centralised location for all of the content you’ve put onto the internet and makes it easy for visitors to find your work. This also allows you to link your website with social media platforms and other similar services, allowing you to grow your audience on multiple different platforms at the same time.

Keep in mind that you can also add video and audio content to your website by uploading it directly, but this can use a lot of bandwidth so it’s usually best to host it somewhere else and link to it. This puts less strain on your server and means you’re less likely to reach a bandwidth cap.

Use an API to provide up-to-date information on things

An application programming interface (API) is essentially a way to interface between different kinds of software and hardware. In the context of a website, an API can help you grab data from another service, piece of software, or website which stays up to date, meaning you don’t manually need to change things.

For example, using a cryptocurrency API means you can display the latest prices for certain currencies that you choose. This is updated automatically so you don’t need to manually input the prices or how much it’s changed. This is a great way to provide live information to your visitors and is a great way to make your website more dynamic.

Use social media tools

You can easily add social media widgets that display the latest posts from your accounts. For instance, you can add a live Twitter feed that shows the latest messages from accounts that you choose, and there are also options for Instagram, Facebook, and other popular social media platforms.

This allows people to engage with your content on various social media platforms, thus increasing your exposure. You can even see where your pages are shared so that you can directly interact with your audience if you want to.

While building your own website can be tricky, it’s important to consider all of the unique features that you can add which makes your website stand out from the competition. Making a website more dynamic can provide a lot more value and generally makes your website a lot more interesting.

Advice for Setting Up Your Home or Mobile Video Studio

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article, Advice for Setting Up Your Home or Mobile Video StudioNot too long ago, producing and broadcasting videos could only be done from a professional film or television studio and required a lot of expensive, specialized equipment. Nowadays, though, anyone with access to a few items of modern technology can make and transmit videos over the internet, and even arrange permanent home studios of their own. Follow these tips to set up yours for the first time.

Consider Your Situation

The first step to setting up your mobile or home broadcasting studio is to think about what you’ll be doing with it. There are a few pieces of equipment that everyone making video feeds needs, such as video and audio recording equipment and lighting, but many of the options are geared towards specific roles. Will you be sitting inside at a desk doing a video podcast, standing up doing a task for an instructional video, playing an instrument for a music video, or moving around outdoors? Will you be broadcasting or streaming live, or will the video be edited and uploaded to a website later?

You should also consider your environment. What kind of lighting do you have, and will it be difficult to make you look your best or even be seen? Is there noise pollution from outside, or is the room full of echoes?

Write down specifically what you’ll be doing and where you’re going to do it so you can plan for what equipment you need to accomplish your goals.

Purchase Your First Equipment

When purchasing your initial equipment, if any, your budget is a huge factor in determining what you need now and what you can get later. If money is not an issue you can set up your entire studio all at once, or you can choose to purchase items one by one. Either way, everyone who intends to make videos needs five basic things: a way to record video, a way to record audio, a source of light, a tripod to hold the video device so it doesn’t shake (and your hands are free), and finally, a way to upload that video to the website or social media of your choice.

With lighting sources, keep in mind that you should ideally have three sources of light pointing at you at different angles for viewers to see you at your best.

As far as video goes, many people including professional broadcasters use a smartphone or tablet to record both video and audio and upload it, because they already own one and don’t have to purchase extra equipment. Smartphones and tablets are also extremely portable, so you don’t have to lug around expensive or heavy items if you’re broadcasting on the go. Alternatively, you can purchase a dedicated camera, usually a DSLR or broadcast camera, if you want to go really pro and don’t mind spending a lot on your equipment.

If you’re looking to set up a home broadcasting studio, either to interface with television or to stream live events, you may also need some sort of teleprompter. This can be either a smartphone app or a device that hooks up to your phone or tablet to show your cues and lines.

If you’re not using a smartphone or tablet, you’ll need a microphone, especially for video podcasting. Some mics can link directly to the camera or computer, while others must go through a mixing device that syncs the audio and video.

Finally, you can certainly upload your videos directly from your mobile device. However, if you want to do any serious editing, a laptop or PC is necessary, and you’ll need one with a fast processor, high-performance video card and a large hard drive. A fast internet connection is also useful for uploading large files or streaming high-quality video.

These days you don’t have to break the bank to set up your own home video studio. With the right modern equipment, you can start producing professional-looking videos to post or stream anywhere online.

Methods Of Keeping All Of Your Data Safe And Away From Danger

StrategyDriven Organizational Performance Measures Article |Keep Data Safe|Methods Of Keeping All Of Your Data Safe And Away From DangerIn the world of business, you literally never know when you might fall into danger. You always have to keep your wits about you because you don’t know what might be around the corner. You might have to deal with legal issues, bookkeeping problems, or natural disasters. So, it’s wise to always be prepared for any eventuality.

In 2021, a lot of the work you’ll be doing will be online and via digital platforms. On these platforms and systems, a lot of important information will be around. You’ll also be operating a lot on them, so they’ll need to be functioning properly and will need to be well-guarded. If you leave yourself open in this regard, then you could be in danger of all kinds of negative instances. The good thing is that protecting your systems and data isn’t too difficult. Here are a few ways to do it:

Teach Your Staff What They Need To Know

If you have employees that know what they have to do and how to behave, then it’s going to make the working day a lot less stressful. Training employees in IT skills doesn’t have to be difficult when it comes to the basics, but the more technical aspects may need a little more work. You can bring in training services every now and again, or you can send them to school for a couple of months so that they can fully gain the knowledge, skills, and qualifications. Ensuring that they’re trained would mean that fewer silly errors are made.

Possess A Solid Cloud Server

If your company has a great remote server that can be accessed by everyone on the team, it makes work a lot easier. Sending and receiving items comfortable helps everything move smoothly. One problem in recent years is that they have been hacked into by criminals, so it’s your job to ensure you find a solid, protected server. Secure file sharing is vital if you want to maintain productivity, order, and a good reputation.

Ensure You Have Ample IT Support

There are lots and lots of IT companies around that will help you with things as you get through your day-to-day jobs. The likes of managed IT services will be on hand to watch over you and protect you from attacks. They’ll also be able to advise you regarding the next best possible moves that will benefit the company.

Ensure Harsh Punishments For Violating IT Conduct

A lot of the time, computer systems are compromised due to an issue from someone within the camp. Perhaps they’ve made an error or they’ve tried something underhanded. In order to stop this kind of thing from happening, it’s good to put rules in place. If they know what will happen to them, then it will deter them from trying anything untoward.

Buy The Right Cybersecurity Software

Possessing the right software makes sense for everyone involved. You’ll have to ensure that you have the best programs to protect your data and systems as substandard cybersecurity software will let hackers walk right in.

Building and Growing Your E-Commerce Business

StrategyDriven Online Marketing and Website Development Article |Grow your Ecommerce Business|Building and Growing Your E-Commerce BusinessWhether your business has been established for a few years, or you are a new startup business under 12 months old, building and growing your e-commerce business is the way to go if you want to future-proof your business. If you want to achieve quick results, then you will need a large growth budget, and you will need to set SMART goals and targets, but if you want to build and grow slowly and more naturally, perhaps through social media marketing and good old-fashioned word of mouth, then your costs will be lower. Of course, both types of growth strategies require some amount of research and planning as it would be foolish to just see how a business grows, even if you are aiming to grow slowly and naturally.

Find New Target Markets and Audiences

Who are you currently selling to, and where are they based? What demographic is your existing audience in? Will your new target audience be the same age group of people, perhaps just in a different location, or are you looking to sell to both a completely new age group in a new country? Once you have established who your new target audience is, you will be able to start reaching them through your marketing efforts.

Focus on Upselling and Cross-Selling

To grow your business, you do not just have to focus on new customers; you can also focus on your existing customers. Perhaps they have been with you from the start. Focusing on cross-selling and upselling is beneficial to you as you already know who your audience is, and you know how to reach them. To be successful at selling more to existing customers, you must ensure that you provide good value for money. You must give your customers something that they need and want and something that will enhance their lives.

Get to Grips with Outsourcing and Freelancing

To grow an e-commerce business, you must learn to delegate to others, and you must use external providers. Utilizing others will ensure that you do not spread yourself too thin. You need to ensure that you focus on overseeing your whole business rather than being weighed down by individual areas which can easily be outsourced. For example, you could utilize a fulfillment company; click here to learn more about order fulfillment services and how they can benefit your business. In addition to using fulfillment services, you may also want to hire freelancers for one-off jobs or ad-hoc work, from weekly website management to social media management for your business accounts. Hiring freelancers can allow you to source just the skills you need to grow your e-commerce business successfully.

Look to the Future

You must keep pushing your business growth even if, at times, it is feeling like it is not going in the direction you want it to go in. If you can create a plan for growth (even if you want to go down the slower and more natural route), then you will ensure that you can get the most out of everything you do, and you can also make sure that you implement ideas and tactics which can be tracked and monitored.